force fan
Nitro Member
On my way into the track on Sunday I was behind Capps at the bag check and made a comment to him about them checking his bags too. I kept pace with him as we walked through the gates to the staging lanes where pedestrians cross to the pits. Ron was cutting across in the staging lanes to go to his pit when one of Alacuha's finest yells, "hey you get out of the stanging lanes" and directs him to go on the other side of the fence. So I said to the cop so you don't even cut the drivers any slack do you!!! He had the nerve to say, "thats not a driver he is just a crew guy". Then when I said to him thats Ron Capps the funny car points leader he really disrespected him and said well he must not be that popular I don't recognize him. I told him he obviously doesn't follow drag racing AT ALL because if he did he would know who Cappsie is. He just kinda pissed me off when he said that. I wanted to slap him!!!!! I told Ron about it later and his comment was, " yeah give um a badge"!!!! I said to him the cop was lucky Kelly wasn't there!!! He thought that was funny!!!!