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Jim Hughes Disqualified!?!?

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You left hanging? Why don't you just open-mindedly re-read the entire first page of this thread where Greg Stanley, a regular participant at such events, poses a very simple-yet direct question only to be debated to death over semantics without answers to his question then notice just who are these debating parties. Without receiving honest answers to his valid question, I'd say he was "Moon Flied" It appears from other replies, there was a consensus.
Don't take it personally. Why not just answer the man's question without the drama of unforeseen collateral BS.
Have I just been Bobby Miller Flied?
You left hanging? Why don't you just open-mindedly re-read the entire first page of this thread where Greg Stanley, a regular participant at such events, poses a very simple-yet direct question only to be debated to death over semantics without answers to his question then notice just who are these debating parties. Without receiving honest answers to his valid question, I'd say he was "Moon Flied" It appears from other replies, there was a consensus.
Don't take it personally. Why not just answer the man's question without the drama of unforeseen collateral BS.
According to Greg's first post, this is what he stated:
I understand that Jim is at fault for not remembering to return and file his paperwork but...

Anyone else have any comments?
He is getting comments just like he asked for. No question asked.

And exactly how do you read third-hand info "open-mindedly"?

The only thing Hughes had not completed as part of his entry into the event was receipt of his ticket with its restricted area sticker. He did sign his waiver in front of an NHRA official and his name along with all the other competitors in the same boat was put on a list of those needing their ticket and restricted area sticker.

The fact remains that the situation was caused by NHRA and it should have never resulted in Hughes' disqualification.
I have to respectfully disagree with you Greg. Even under the circumstances surrounding the paperwork before and during time trials, it looks like receiving his credential with the restricted area sticker on it wasn't the only thing not completed by the start of eliminations -- admitted to in the email you posted in the parent note of this thread.

Again, it was a shame he was DQ'd, but to allow him to continue to compete would have required (from what I've read here) a bending of the rules. If the rules aren't enforced equally for all racers, there'd be some real problems.
"Moon-Flied", is a synonym for double-teamed...using the last names of the agressive NHRA mouthpeices in this particular, Greg Moon and Paul Flies. I was going to do a real fancy take on Webster's, with the proper pronunciation, type of speech, several meanings, use it in a sentence and such...

But after your last several replies, I realized it would've been a wasted effort.

Mr. Orme,
I disagree with your assessment, but appreciate the insight! Congrats on your Win, and keep up the good work on 'central.
"Moon-Flied", is a synonym for double-teamed...using the last names of the agressive NHRA mouthpeices in this particular, Greg Moon and Paul Flies. I was going to do a real fancy take on Webster's, with the proper pronunciation, type of speech, several meanings, use it in a sentence and such...

But after your last several replies, I realized it would've been a wasted effort.
So now I'm a NHRA mouthpiece because I don't follow the "it's NHRA fault" mantra.

And for those who are unable to see through their rage because I disagree with them, the name is Flies not flied.

This place has become the cesspool of negativity.
So now I'm a NHRA mouthpiece because I don't follow the "it's NHRA fault" mantra.

And for those who are unable to see through their rage because I disagree with them, the name is Flies not flied.

This place has become the cesspool of negativity.
Don't take it personal Paul. The name games have been going on around here for quite some time, and probably won't slow down anytime soon. That much I can vouch for.

And I guess if saying, if you don't like it, don't go makes me a mouthpiece for the NHRA, so be it. And they owe me a paycheck.
what is really sad was we heard about it here in so cal and the racers couldn't believe it
we had association races pro gas, super comp, s/e and super street going on at fontana
when we heard this the first comment was what a joke to do to a big supporter of the sportsman racers and contingency payer
then hearing that possibly tickets were sent to the wrong race track that's why they ran out
the car counts have been low how do you run out of credential tickets
i know what jim's sponsorship means to racers and i see it at the track
the other comment made was what if he left and went to ihra instead
with the way the economy is and the low car counts due to money, fuel prices i hate to see this
ok so he forgot his waiver and he admitted it but why jump the gun find out all the facts prior to making a haste decision
if he was a rookie first race type thing ok but this is a veteran of the sport and a big supporter also
Don't take it personal Paul. The name games have been going on around here for quite some time, and probably won't slow down anytime soon. That much I can vouch for.

And I guess if saying, if you don't like it, don't go makes me a mouthpiece for the NHRA, so be it. And they owe me a paycheck.
Greg, ever notice that when the facts don't reinforce their belief, the "virtuous" ones always resort to name-calling?
...Again, it was a shame he was DQ'd, but to allow him to continue to compete would have required (from what I've read here) a bending of the rules. If the rules aren't enforced equally for all racers, there'd be some real problems.
And I respectfully disagree with your ascertion, Bob.

NHRA had already bent the rules by allowing all the racers to make time/qualifying runs on Friday, even those who had not received their tickets and restricted area passes.

By your reasoning, they should have never been allowed to run at all until they had their tickets and restricted areas. The ticket and restricted area pass isn't really a legal document sort of thing. They are simply for getting in and out of the track and for NHRA personnel and security to identify those who are allowed passed the head of the staging lanes and on the racing surface. If there was any question as to someone's restricted area access, they could simply contact the credentials trailer.

So how do you tell approximately 35 racers they can't run because you goofed up and didn't have tickets for them?

Disqualification was not an appropriate response. Does anybody think we'd be talking about this if Jim had simply thrown his paperwork away? He was trying to do the right thing after realizing his mistake and got screwed for it.

That's my opinion and the last I will write on this subject.
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Mr. Orme,
I disagree with your assessment, but appreciate the insight! Congrats on your Win, and keep up the good work on 'central.
Billy, I try to look at (and learn) every side of a situation when something like a driver DQ happens. While I make some of my living working within the sport, what drives me to do it is the sport itself, and the sport itself is the drivers. I knew going in that impartiality was part and parcel to what I do, and that actually comes to me quite easily. Such situations as a driver DQ can and often does result in opinions publicly expressed from a biased position. I'm not in that position and was actually hesitant to enter this discussion. I hope anyone reading my opinions on such matters realizes that.

Congrats on my Win? What did I win?!?

Are you gonna tow to Bandi next week? I want to see Mopar Billy in the lanes and going down the new track there!

Bob :)
I don’t want to be labeled a NHRA basher but let’s just say hypothetically that a major Comp Eliminator racer (and sometimes Pro Stock competitor) in Division 4 created a program and small fund to award monies for qualifying and points for Comp racers in Division 4 Lucas Oil events. Also let’s say that he was told to cease and desist with his program unless he paid a percentage of this fund to the NHRA in order to continue the program. Are they NHRA Management misguided in this line of thinking and their motivations eschewed or am I just looking for a reason to question their decision making?

I call this a hypothetical situation because I was not privy to the actual conversations and discussions, only getting this second hand from a few Division 5 Comp racers.
I don’t want to be labeled a NHRA basher but let’s just say hypothetically that a major Comp Eliminator racer (and sometimes Pro Stock competitor) in Division 4 created a program and small fund to award monies for qualifying and points for Comp racers in Division 4 Lucas Oil events. Also let’s say that he was told to cease and desist with his program unless he paid a percentage of this fund to the NHRA in order to continue the program.

If I wanted to give money to someone (or several someones) based on any criteria I choose, NHRA couldn't do a darn thing about it.

If I wanted to publicize my decision through advertising or articles in various media, NHRA couldn't do a darn thing about it.

If I wanted to use NHRA's name in the advertising or wanted NHRA to promote my 'gifts', then I should be prepared to follow NHRA's guidelines.
Off the subject, It seems like there are a few people on this forum that are a quart low on a sense of humor. Don't post if you have thin skin, it is most generally in fun although serious at times, but I don't think anyone here is trying to impune the integrity of any one. Just my 2 cents.
It is hard to believe what I am reading on this thread. Did anyone who works for the NHRA ever hear of the words copier, scanner, printer, PC? Ran out of forms. Count them before you start the event and make more if needed. This isn't rocket science. If no one with the skill level to accomplish this available hire a temp from some third grade class.

The one thing a successful business with even minimal customer service does at a minimum is if they screw something up they fix it.

If the NHRA had any class at all they would apologize to Hughes and give him a couple of free entries. They don't and they won't.
Wow Paul,
Now I'm a rage filled, but virtuous person, who like's swimming in a cesspool of negativity??? I'm glad I only called you an NHRA mouthpeice!!! The past tense of "flies" would be "flied" (I know, I's flew, but for the sake of this argument, work with me) Bobby was creating a new word, and he took a little "creative license" with your name, if you choose to take umbridge with that, by all means.

Bob Orme,
Sorry I was thinking of the wrong Bob!! it was Unk, that won in stock a few races ago. I really would like to visit you at Bandimere, but my Brother and Dad aren't making the trip from Oklahoma, and someone in Division 7 had the forethought to schedule the Fallon race on the same weekend...So, I'll be in the middle of nowhere Nevada, terribly missing all my Division 5 friends.

Rick Esparza,
Very astute observation!

Please everybody, don't beleive for one minute that Greg Stanley is finished writing on the subject... he still thinks a small block chevy is a viable candidate for top dragster! No one has ever, in the history of the internet, beat a dead horse longer or harder than him...his tenacity is unrivaled.

PS. I forgot to mention Greg Moon, let us know when the check arrives.

Jeremy Jude,
You ever use the word eschewed again on this websight, I'll turn you in to the moderators!
Wow Paul,
Now I'm a rage filled, but virtuous person, who like's swimming in a cesspool of negativity??? I'm glad I only called you an NHRA mouthpeice!!! The past tense of "flies" would be "flied" (I know, I's flew, but for the sake of this argument, work with me) Bobby was creating a new word, and he took a little "creative license" with your name, if you choose to take umbridge with that, by all means.

Bob Orme,
Sorry I was thinking of the wrong Bob!! it was Unk, that won in stock a few races ago. I really would like to visit you at Bandimere, but my Brother and Dad aren't making the trip from Oklahoma, and someone in Division 7 had the forethought to schedule the Fallon race on the same weekend...So, I'll be in the middle of nowhere Nevada, terribly missing all my Division 5 friends.

Rick Esparza,
Very astute observation!

Please everybody, don't beleive for one minute that Greg Stanley is finished writing on the subject... he still thinks a small block chevy is a viable candidate for top dragster! No one has ever, in the history of the internet, beat a dead horse longer or harder than him...his tenacity is unrivaled.

PS. I forgot to mention Greg Moon, let us know when the check arrives.

Jeremy Jude,
You ever use the word eschewed again on this websight, I'll turn you in to the moderators!

Billy, this is easily my favorite post of the month albeit this month is young! I'd say more but I think I'd rather just re-read your post and chuckle some more. Thanks for the moment-relived again, and again!
Wow Paul,
Now I'm a rage filled, but virtuous person, who like's swimming in a cesspool of negativity??? I'm glad I only called you an NHRA mouthpeice!!! The past tense of "flies" would be "flied" (I know, I's flew, but for the sake of this argument, work with me) Bobby was creating a new word, and he took a little "creative license" with your name, if you choose to take umbridge with that, by all means.
First, the "virtuous" and "raged" person is the one who started the name-calling but if you feel it also applies to you then so be it.

Second, I have grown up most of life with some who think making fun of my name is ok and should not bother me. But guess what, it does bother me just like it would bother you if I constantly made fun of your name.

You and your "virtuous" friend have personally attacked me and my good name for your callous humor and that is libelous.
First, the "virtuous" and "raged" person is the one who started the name-calling but if you feel it also applies to you then so be it.

Second, I have grown up most of life with some who think making fun of my name is ok and should not bother me. But guess what, it does bother me just like it would bother you if I constantly made fun of your name

You and your "virtuous" friend have personally attacked me and my good name for your callous humor and that is libelous.

Thank you Paul. You said it better than I would have.
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