Heh, it's not Smith, Brown or Jones, but try getting a domain name from GoDaddy with my name!
Even spelling my first name with a K (blame my mother, alright?), Kris Hill is such a common name, that even if you do a google search on me, it'll take you a number of clicks before you get to any of my articles with any of the various papers I've written for during the past six years.
Even with such a simple name -- it's eight letter and two syllables -- people mess it up! I've been called Kim many times. Or when I leave messages on people's voice mail if I don't talk reeeeaaaaallll slow, they think I said my name is Crystal ... argh! I made a point of taking a long pause on my work voice mail, "Hi, you've reached Kris....Hill, staff writer for the Covington/Maple Valley Reporter...blah blah blah."
The best, though, was last summer. Our HOA decided to hire a management company to deal with the finances and other crap. They sent us a letter and it said "Jason and Kris Hillyer". They added a whole friggin' syllable! How did that happen?
Hill is my married name. My maiden name was Nichols. People managed to spell that wrong all the time. Nickels, Nicholas, Nicols, Nicholson, Nicklaus, and so on.
Speaking of people with the same name, my husband went to the University of Washington to take one business class so he could get his degree...it's a long story. Anyway, that was early 2003. Somehow, the UW Alumni Association thinks he's the Jason Hill who graduated in 2001 with an art degree...despite the fact he took an accounting class in 2003. Sigh.
That's probably the same Jason Hill who went to a different high school in our area, but graduated the same year as my husband. We got reunion notices last summer for this other guy -- same middle initial, too! -- and I finally had to call the organizers and tell them they had the wrong guy.
It is amazing how complicated life can be when you have a simple, common name.
Just call me, Quill, OK? LOL