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I Knew It Was Coming

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Well I dont think this is the end of drag racing by no means, and I will support drag racing till the day I die. Its one of those things that when it gets in your blood, you cant get it out. Or atleast for me it is. I dont think this will hurt them or help them a bunch. Might sway a little each way but overall I dont think it will hurt the sport. I just personally do not like it. To me its not a true champion. Why dont you people who say its working in Nascar go ask Jeff Gordon what he thinks about it? For those of you who dont know, had it been the normal whole year pts tradionally done he would have won another championship, but instead under the Chase format, he didnt win it. And I am not even a Gordon fan, hate to see him win actually, but he got screwed on that deal in my opinion. I just think this format sucks. I mean really, look at the PGA Tour. If next year when they go to their format Chase deal, if Tiger Woods doesnt win it, will the person who does really be the best golfer in the world? I think not. I know Golf is different but I am just saying.
My initial reaction was W - T - F???? Especially since I had no idea this was coming (WTF Phil???)!! But then I calmed down a little and thought about it. This is not the end of the world. When Nascar did it, fans went ballistic and swore they would never watch another race and the system would be a huge flop. 5 years later, the race to the cup is the hottest thing since sliced bread and fans are eating it up more than ever.

Yes, the new system does not reward runaway points leaders like the current system does, but is that a bad thing? How many times did everyone bitch and moan about GA or Force having a championship won by Indy? How many of those years did PS or FC cars stop showing up to race? None.

Take this year for example. In TF, realistically, D Kalitta has a pretty good lock on the championship. It is his to lose because Shoe has to make up 7 rounds, Brandon and Melanie have to make up 8 rounds, all in 6 races. Everyone else is basically out with Grubby needing to make up 15 rounds to win it all. The chances that Shoe, Brandon, or Melanie making up that much room is slim, the chances that all 3 of them would make a serious run is nil.

FC is basically a 2 horse race, PS is 3 if you are very optimistic, and PSB is 3 tops (only 4 races left for them). Chances are pretty good that TF and PS will be all but officially wrapped up by Richmond this year. What fun is that? Last year, GA and Shoe could have stayed home for the last 3 races and still won their championships. Still had full fields though.

Who knows, this could be a total flop, but I wouldn't be surprised it if doesn't turn out half bad. I am not sold on the idea yet, I'll wait until we actually get to see the process in action before I pass judgement. I just don't think this will be the end of the world. Maybe it will result in some killer edge-of-your seat finales like FC was last year. Contrived or not, it will be exciting.
Not sure how this will turn out, but I for one Am willing to wait and see on this. If it "Appears" that it makes the points chases more interesting, than I will admit I made a mistake in judging it. But if the car counts dwindle, it won't matter how many cars are in the chase. Why do you think so many people enjoy qualifying more than eliminations.....More cars!
I waited all day to reply on this one. I think the best analogy so far belongs to Amanda Smith. I agree and wish they would have stopped at 8...

Thanks Brian Wood for the video. I wish they would have had a Q&A from the media and a few maters would have had press badges.

Name the low dollar team that is in the chase this year? And then name one that is sitting out because they're not in the chase.


Ok, you got me on that one. I guess I'm just upset because it seems like there is desperation to do something and Nascar is being copied. I will give props however for at least making effort and hope it works.
Why does NHRA have to change a perfectly good system? It's simple, the driver with the most points "during the entire year!" wins the championship. This will only confuse the fans who do not check out how this "new" system works.

Why "readjust" the top eight competitor's points? If you make a runaway effort (like Schumacher did a few yrs ago) and gather up a lot of points, shouldn't this be worth something? If your team is that much better, then you should have that as an advantage going into the last races of the season. Under this new system, NHRA is telling those racers who did so well, "We are going to make this a closer field and take away the advantage you gathered up this year".

Schumacher had a terrible first half of 2006 but he is number 2 in the points now. And look at John Force's history this year. And now he is the points leader. But what if this "slump" comes during the last part of the year? Like with Capps. All that hard work during the first part of the year was for nothing.

I already hate this new system. I just wonder what the pro teaming are thinking? Maybe they can form a boycott against this system. Who knows. But whatever happens, follow the money trail. :D
NHRA is gonna put a leash on these folks and anyone who speaks out against what they have set forth will get their hands slapped. Crazy idea for NHRA if you ask me, but thats what you get when you don't have racers running the sport. Yayyyyy for Tom Compton!!!!! Real smart move Wally for bringing this brainchild on board.
How much fun is it going into Pomona when all the championships have been decided? How cool will it be to go into the finals, and have all four championships up for grabs? Last year the FC race went down to the wire and it was GREAT. And that was a JFR car and two DSR cars. I don't remember the cries about the "lower budget" guys not having a chance then. Anyone remember the years that Force had it locked up at Indy? And for the rest of the year, all the other Funny Cars still showed up.

Just hang on guys, the sky isn't falling


C'mon, Alan, I have the feeling that you're using your position to beat up on people.

Are we all in this to see who's the best or just set it up so it's the most exciting? Why even have a series? Why not settle the championship with a couple of races at the end of the year? Sure, there's some drama there. But I thought drag racing was about heads up competition, not some sort of staged "duel to the death".

Are you telling me that during Glidden's string of PS dominance, we should have taken points away from him so the last couple of races would have been exciting? Though Nickens dominated in a Sportsman class, would you have taken his dominance away just to sell a few more tickets at Pomona on Halloween?

Sorry, but to my mind that's BS. This isn't WWF, it's drag racing.

And while I certainly can't speak for him, I have a very strong impression of what Frank Iaconio would say if he had "won" the championships under these circumstances.

Sugar coat it all you want, the fact remains that this move is adjusting hard-won points in order to produce more "drama" at the end of the year. It's managed competition at its worst.

Have you talked to any of the major sponsors as to their thoughts?

I respect your opinion. If you go way back in time, the winner of the World Finals was the World Champion. And when the current point system was put in place there were people that hated it because the tradition of the World Finals changed. The sport survived and thrived. Give this a chance. Change isn't automatically bad.

I was gonna be a wise ass and call you a company man after your first post. but I changed my mind. Now I 'm gonna.


how the heck can you compare setting up a system that calls a 1975 NHRA champion , a champion based on points accumulated over the entire year of 1975, to this chase for the championship crap, that PENALIZES the team that actually wins the most points over the course of the year.

I thought drag racers were all republican freedom loving capitalists. This is pure socialism. Leveling the playing field so the losers can have a better chance at winning.

And i'm supposed to be the liberal around here.

OK.. I've read it and watched it, I haven't formed an opinion I will publicly share yet. I do know the first thing I noticed on NHRA's website was the "Countdown To The Championship" logo and all I could think is "that is something they can market". I give them credit for trying something different, perhaps next year ESPN2 won't be cutting coverage short due to dodge ball coverage. My only problem with the anouncement is when they mention NFL and MLB playoffs... apples and oranges. During those sport's postseasons, your in the playoffs or your at home. Just my $.02
I really don't care for the concept...I never thought that it was a great idea when NASCAR messed up their point system. And as far as their fans loving it...far from it. I have talked to plenty of NASCAR fans that think the chase is a lousy system.
Say goodbye to rewarding someone for consistency. To me...and many other racers...being consistent across an entire race season is what it is all about...especially in drag racing. If you look at the many years in a row that Force won the title, well that is the epitome of consistency.
I really didn't see the need to mess with the points. I can understand that the NHRA is trying to pull in more new fans and make the series more exciting to people on the outside, but please don't do it at the expense of what makes our sport great. If anything PLEASE try to distance yourself from anything resembling NASCAR.
The video,
LOL! The applause for Mr. Compton was like the same applause from the movie "coming to America" (Eddie Murphy) where Randy Watson and the band "sexual chocolate" takes the stage. LOL

Hillary has a look of "WTF??!!"
and Larry is like "Who IS this guy?

I dunno, I don't like this one bit. But Run whatcha brung and hope that ya brung enough.

IMHO they needed to "create" the excitement by changing the qualifying ladders so #1 faces #2 on Sunday, #16 faces #15 and so on.....
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OK.. I've read it and watched it, I haven't formed an opinion I will publicly share yet. I do know the first thing I noticed on NHRA's website was the "Countdown To The Championship" logo and all I could think is "that is something they can market". I give them credit for trying something different, perhaps next year ESPN2 won't be cutting coverage short due to dodge ball coverage. My only problem with the anouncement is when they mention NFL and MLB playoffs... apples and oranges. During those sport's postseasons, your in the playoffs or your at home. Just my $.02

yah nhra will get top billing on espn now. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

your right about the stick and ball analogy.
remember when the first season of the IRL ended with the 500? they tried to emulate a fall-spring basketball schedule. it lasted a year.

too many stuffed shirt marketing dorks messing with the sport.

they've decided to throw a 'competition yellow' in the fall to tighten up the field. simple as that. it blows.

I started the week puking at marco andrettis' first win made possible by his teammates intentional spin with 7 laps to go which kept marco from running out of gas. now this.

is F1 still a pure sport? I think so . they dont' make it exciting when it isn't . so it's boring sometimes . at least when it's exciting , like it was last weekend,, it's real.
I agree and wish they would have stopped at 8...
Me too. Seems like it's overly complicated. Just let the top 8 go at it for the last 6 races and see what happens. No need to narrow it down any more.

how the heck can you compare setting up a system that calls a 1975 NHRA champion , a champion based on points accumulated over the entire year of 1975, to this chase for the championship crap, that PENALIZES the team that actually wins the most points over the course of the year.
Same way you can call the pre-points era champions World Champions. You only needed to win one race to be called Champion then.

And as far as their fans loving it...far from it. I have talked to plenty of NASCAR fans that think the chase is a lousy system.
The ratings and popularity of the Chase would disagree with you. Maybe the fans you talked to hate it, but the Chase has been a huge success for Nascar. I don't know how you could argue that with a straight face. Better ratings, more media coverage, more sponsorship participation, more fan interest. Seems like a grand slam to me.

One thing for sure, this decision certainly got everyone attention. You know the saying - there's no such thing as bad publicity.
We've heard Evan Knoll's take on this, maybe Don Shoe and Jim Jannard can chime in? How about it fellas? What do you think of the Countdown?
I don't know how you could argue that with a straight face. Better ratings, more media coverage, more sponsorship participation...

Sponsorship participation? -- want to talk about what Anheuser-Busch and DuPont thought about the whole deal last year?

Large sponsors set up a 12 month promotion schedule. They really get irritated when they have to throw a couple of months away and come up with something else.

What happens when a Pro team gets a bad bunch of clutch discs toward the end of the year? Even if they lit up the sky in the first 15 races, are you now going to tell them "Too bad, go back home"?

Again, I have to stress how much I dislike "managed competition". This is not Survivor, Big Brother, Hell's Kitchen, or a cage "deathmatch".

You run in good weather and bad, good tracks and slimeholes. The guy who can figure it out best should be the winner. Period.
I just watched the video. Like most of you, I also don’t agree with the new points system. Without repeating what has already been said on here…….. All I will say is…

I give this a big thumbs down!!!

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Competitive Welfare?
Take points from the haves and give to the have-nots?
Tom Compton doesn't look like Robin Hood?
There it is, a nutshell. Powerade welfare.
Take it from the successful..add to the not so successful..mix it up..and shoot it out..pfft.

It's bullsh!t plain and simple. The whole concept was the grind..the miles..the blood and sweat..working to be the NHRA says we'll take that and stick it up your as$. You'll need to conservative..yet strong enough to make the field..and it will all pan out as to who's the best..BAAWWAA.

I think the biggest disappointment is the following of Nascar's lead..duh. IMO that's not success.

Doing it right..consistent..having an edge over the competition over a season just went out the winder.

There's some part of me that wants to cry.
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