Nitro Member
Someone turned right in front of me head on. Thank goodness I walked away and was not badly injured. The car is fugged up. After I got sideswiped my car spun around, went up on the curb, smacked a light pole very hard on the back end. You shoulda' seen the Cops & Tow Truck Driver's reaction when I asked to borrow a screwdriver to remove my special home made, one-of-a kind DHL Nitro Funny Car License Plate Frame !!!
LOL I was like, Take the car - but not my precious masterpiece!!! Really brings to light how bad race car crashes must be. I highly doubt everyone who 'walks away' from a race crash feels fine afterwards like they all say they do. I was in a modern car, airbags galore... and I got pretty banged up only going 40 mph. I can't imagine only wearing a firesuit and an inch or so of padding!