Nitro Member
Hillary being dissed...SO WHAT....its the price you pay for being in the hot seat of a T/F dragster. Drag racing is no different than any other sport. Ever been to a football/baseball/basketball game and listened to the fans yell/scream/curse @ the players? Its part of the biz. Anyone here ever been criticized @ your place of employment? I have and I welcome makes you stronger or it shows your true colors.
I for one could name a few pilots that should not be steering 330 mph race cars but what does it matter.
Hillary is in that car for a couple of reasons...mainly $$$$$. Her family pays her income, KB pays her zilch, he only pays for the team and the equipment it takes to play ball, kind of like T. Bartone and Beckman.
Hillary was the most watched pilot last year by the NHRA and she got into trouble a few times, almost crashed into Vandergriff....remember. Bob jr was pissed w/ that incident.
Remember when Christen Powell went fuel coupe racing? Everyone was VERY worried and she left the seat....Many were happy w/ that decision.
If you can't take the heat go home and be a fan...later
Being personally disrespected happens to matter to a lot of people. To me, once you do it, you have changed the subject to a much more important personal problem of yours than whatever else it was that we were originally talking about. I believe it's why this board was changed so that you have to make posts with your real name. Just because it IS part of the biz doesn't mean it should be. If you mean by "so what" that Hillary shouldn't have let herself be personally effected by it, then I'd agree with you.
Sounds like NHRA should have hired you to be the authority to determine who gets to drive and who doesn't.
Not that Hillary's income is any of my business or concern, but I thought I read that she did consulting?