The whole movie is great but here is one from Falling Down w M Douglas.
Gang member 1: Whatcha doin' Mister?
Bill Foster: Nothing.
Gang member 1: Nahh, man. You're trespassing on private property.
Bill Foster: Trespassing?
Gang member 2: You're loitering too, man.
Gang member 1: That's right, you're loitering too.
Bill Foster: I didn't see any signs.
Gang member 1: [pointing at a graffiti skull] Whatcha call that?
Bill Foster: Graffiti.
Gang member 1: Nahh man, it's not f*%#ing graffiti. That's a sign.
Gang member 2: He can't read it man.
Gang member 1: Well then I guess I'm gonna have to read it for you. It says this is f*%#ing private property. No f*%#ing trespassing. That means f*%#ing you.
Bill Foster: It says all that?
Gang member 1: Yeah.
Bill Foster: Well, maybe if you wrote it in f*%#ing English, I would f*%#ing understand it.
Then he kicks ass