Draw 3D
Nitro Member
Not trying to start an argument, but, that is an incorrect statement, the tubing has gone thru a heat-treat process during manufacturing to bring the tubing to the Normalized condition.In refering to heat treated 4130 (considering that non-heated treated tubing is 4130 or 4130N normalized) the heat treated welded tubing in the future should be refered to as "Abnormalized."
The word "heat-treat" has been misused to mean only raising the hardness above N-Condition, in actually, "heat-treat", can be anneal, normalized, artificial age, precipitation harden, or whatever. "Heat-treat" is a process for changing the metal properties harder or softer.
Also, any "engineer" who says you shouldn't use "heat-treated" 4130 chrome-moly in a chassis without asking what the hardness level is needs to go back to school.