Nitro Member
No Vegas for us! My point was that both sanctioning bodies have been somewhat stagnant. One stepping forward in a major way as Jay has indicated, will wake up the neighborhood-big time! Such a wake-up call could trigger a host of new ideas, programs, opportunities, sponsorship deals, etc.
With all due respect (which is what you say when you think the other party is way off base) your examples, while accurate, were of sanctioning bodies splitting off from and dividing established organizations. What we are speaking of here is pure competition. It's great for everyone involved especially the business that believes they have a virtual monopoly. Wouldn't you say that describes the NHRA? You wait and see!
I would love to run a West Coast IHRA event or even an event sanctioned by the new-improved NHRA where they have to step up to compete. As has been mentioned already NHRA sportsmen racers fund a giant share of the racing that we see without a lot being done for them. Taking for granted that this will last forever is outdated thinking?
Just my take.
With all due repect Doc

Since we know neither scenario is likely to happen, I would also like to see a west coast IHRA event.