E town crowds (2 Viewers)


Nitro Member
Mar 21, 2007
I noticed the stands looked to be about 60% filled today. Was the attendance way down?
It's a shame, for people in that area that like both series, that those two races are the same weekend.
The attendance was about the same as it was last year. Having the race in Epping in a few weeks doesn't help things. The largest crowd of the weekend was on Saturday.
The NASCAR race in Dover the same weekend also doesn't help things.

I have been to 6 NASCAR races, and some of the looks I get when I wear a Drag racing shirt tells me it is two entirely different crowds. I only know of a couple of my Roundy-round friends that have ever been to a Drag race.
I was there and thought the crowd was pretty good Friday and Saturday. The thing I found odd was after the first qualifying session each day, where it looked like about every seat was filled, it seemed a lot of the fans either left or didn't return to their seats.
A lot of people spend a good part of their race days in the pits. Sure can't judge attendance by looking at a TV shot when Pro Stocks or bikes are running.
I was there Fri-Sat, and the crowds weren't record, but good. There were times when the stands seemed almost full, but people definitely move around. And, there were a good number of delays, which obviously causes people to leave the stands.
I have been to 6 NASCAR races, and some of the looks I get when I wear a Drag racing shirt tells me it is two entirely different crowds. I only know of a couple of my Roundy-round friends that have ever been to a Drag race.

I'd give you a funny look cause to me that's like wearing a hockey jersey to a football game. But it looks good on you though!

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I started this thread and to further expand on what promped me to comment. I noticed on TV during the Sunday broadcast the stands appeared to be about 40% empty. This was during fuel and funny car eliminations. I did notice that there seemed to be a fairly large crowd standing at the fence. Not trying to start a heated discussion, just making an observation and asking a question. "Was the attendance way down?"
I started this thread and to further expand on what promped me to comment. I noticed on TV during the Sunday broadcast the stands appeared to be about 40% empty. This was during fuel and funny car eliminations. I did notice that there seemed to be a fairly large crowd standing at the fence. Not trying to start a heated discussion, just making an observation and asking a question. "Was the attendance way down?"
I was there sunday and I can tell you the stands were filled on the pit side and a healthy crowd on the other side. the fences were packed
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