Nitro Member
The change I am talking about is the people that are dead against seeing how the Countdown will work before passing judgement. My professional experience has taught me to have an open mind and not discredit an idea without having some factual information to support my view. The old points system was OLD and needed to be changed to align NHRA with most other major sports. I know SOME of the traditional fans are having a tough time with this and that is fine, but the sky is not falling and the NHRA will be alright in the end. This thread will not turn into another Ron vs. Paul piss match, so I am done.
We're back on the merry-go-round.
I hate to break the news to some of you, but times are changing and change is good for the sport. I know change is hard for some people to grasp....
When were times not changing? Change isn't good if it's bad, which many of us believe the Countdown to be.
I can't speak for everyone who's against it but, I already know that one of the ways it will "work" is by stripping away a points lead that a team earns. To me, that's more important than whether or not it puts more fans in the seats.
I don't think drag racing is huge at bringing in new fans as it is. It's NOT a fad in this country. Again, that little poll here ran 83/17 against/for. I don't have a problem with the intention of bringing new people in but, when you're pissing off the majority of the people you already have? It's NHRA's gamble and they have every right to take it.
I just get tired of seeing the constant pegging of the people who disagree with you on something. Maybe they're just as smart as you, have a life, are not foolish, aren't clowns, don't have a problem grasping the concept of change, and have REASONS for being against, just like you have your reasons for wanting to give it a chance. I'd rather just be putting reasons up against reasons, but you make me have to go after all this attacking of those you disagree with, instead. I haven't made one derogatory comment about those in favor of the Countdown. NHRA butt kisser would be REAL easy to say!

You're giving me quite a list as time goes on.
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