I think any legal business should be allowed to sponsor. I don't agree with some entities listed, but I don't think that should exclude them. I simply wouln't be a fan of that team.
However, as far as the NRA is concerned: If WE sponsored a team, I would dig even deeper into my piggy bank to contribute. The more parents who learn about and use the Eddie Eagle program, the safer our kids will be.
Justin, I remember seeing the Penthouse car when it ran at the Northwest Nationals in Seattle a few years back. And you're right; it was tastefully done.
Bruce, you might be surprised what some of us were reading in our vehicles when we were still young and dumb.![]()
I will only add that the NASCAR liquor sponsorship came with strings attached in that NASCAR required that the liquor companies be actively involved in a "drink responsibly" campaign of some sort. As to sponsorship by the tobacco companies, times change - and it's still a controversial issue. But the sponsorships are now regulated by the law and the agreement the tobacco companies settled with the government.
I'm anti censorship, that's what off buttons, channel changers and responsible parents are for, Big Brother shouldn't have to do everything for you.
I strongly agree except that as a parent I have no control from the stands of what my child can see. I can choose to NOT take them to a Hooters or regulate a TV show but I can't control what they see at an event. Yes I do have control over what events I take them to but I would hate to think that I could not take them to a race due to questionable material on the track. I admit that I am "on gaurd" when I take them through the pits and I avoid situations that I don't feel are appropriate.
I'm not real familiar with how sponsorships work. Can NHRA regulate the design or presentation of a sponsor? Thus keeping it "tasteful"? I can get pretty creative with explanations to my daughters of what something is but I can't always explain a picture, a girls attire, etc...
For me, I don't want to see drag racing, in general, to be associated with anything I would not be associated with personally. I only voted yes for the Designated Driver.
Let me ask you all this, if a adult xxx movie company came to you and said, "Here's $5 million a year. The only stipulation is you have to have some of our "actresses" at each event and we get to pick the graphics on the car."
What would you say?
Some folks mentioned answering questions from their children about what things were or meant in certain circumstances - pits, TV, etc. And I agree with whoever mentioned that they can control what their children watch & listen too, but they can't control what they see on the track... unless they simply don't take them to the track anymore. Is that what we want? People who are die hard fans leaving the sport they've grown to love because they can't bring their children? I don't think so.
After reading some of the replies here, this isn't just a poll, it's also a reading comprehension test!![]()
I think I passed Jenn!Are you passing Bob?![]()