Sean D, shondoo
Nitro Member's entertainment baby (for the fans paying to watch)
And this is what I believe has happened to our sport, and it has happened so slowly that by the time we realized it, the sport is now suffering. It's simply not as entertaining as it once was, imho.
Back in the heyday before major money entered the sport, participation was up and the playing field was much more level. When the money came along, here came an accelerated experimental program of all this new stuff to try that slowly weeded out a percentage of the participants from a cost standpoint. But what is just as important, or possibly more so as it pertains to this discussion, in order for much of these developments to work better together, it allowed the teams to remove, or in some cases forced them to remove some of these "fun" things a lot of us die hards that have been around awhile used to not only enjoy, but actually use to "market" our sport to our friends in order to get them to come. I know I did, particularly the nitro warm-up procedures and long burnouts of John Force, Norm Wilding, etc. For me, there was nothing more satisfying than bringing somebody new to the track and standing back while they ran for their lives after witnessing their first throttle whack from less than 10-feet away. One of my buddies to this day recalls that experience for him that happened over 25 years ago.
And here were are all these years later, learning (re-learning, actually.....) through some innocent tire scrubbing by a part-time Pro Stocker just what the fans want to see. There was a lot of belly-aching going on after this little contest was announced, but I was at Indy Saturday and it was VERY well received.
Sean D