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Bandimere firing back

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To reel this back in - I’m just frustrated. We all are. Frustrated that one of my favorite professional race tracks can’t bring in the fans as normal. Frustrated that my friends and pro racers aren’t coming to Colorado. Frustrated at COVID 19. Frustrated that the country is becoming increasingly divided. It’s just a damn shame that drag racing - something we all love at whatever level - has to get involved in all this. I mean, My God - Racing is dangerous enough, and gets enough negative attention as it is. Now we have to be lumped into this. The Bandimere family have actually been leaders and pioneers in many areas of Motorsport and entertainment. Now this. Frustrated is the word. Why can’t it all stop.
i agree that it seems odd that we can go to walmart but not church.

That is because when you go to Walmart, you typically don't sit next to the same people for an hour or so. The amount of time you spend near and infected person increases your chances of getting infected. You also typically don't sing hymns in Walmart. Singing increases the amount of droplets you put into the air. If you are infected, that increases the amount of the virus in the air.
CDC stated Friday a week ago that 9600 in the US have died of the virus only. 30,000 from the flu which is the usual number.

CDC stated no such thing. That 9,600 was a forecast for WEEKLY deaths from COVID-19. The total number of deaths as of today, according to the CDC, is 187,159.

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To reel this back in - I’m just frustrated. We all are.

I am frustrated that I can't go see live music or go to a baseball game. I'm also frustrated that I could not go to one of my best friend's funeral when he died from glioblastoma at the end of May.

I have said since the beginning of this that I could be wrong. Or the people who think this is a lot of fuss about nothing could be wrong.

If I am wrong, I walked around with cloth on my face and did not see a concert for a while. If they are wrong, people die. It might be them or they might be asymptomatic and pass COVID-19 on to a family member who dies.

Given that I work in healthcare, my wife is a nurse and I know a lot of people who are doctors or researchers, I tend to take this seriously.

I'd rather be wrong and alive than wrong and dead.
There is huge difference in being ASKED and being TOLD to do something. Also - from being STARTED and being EXPLOITED! While reason has everything to do with this situation vindictivness without a sound and fair basis for anything from local authorities cannot be tolerated. The reality is that if someone is in fear of getting sick from being there just don't go. Chicken little got it wrong the sky was not falling.
It's not that simple. Putting large groups of people together without masks is just begging for trouble. It can quickly become a super spreader event. The virus is passed around at the mass gathering and then carried back to multiple sites by infected individuals - and on and on. Simply wearing a mask and making reasonable efforts to social distance and washing your hands frequently can drastically reduce this phenomenon. How we get from common sense behavior that will help ourselves and our neighbors stay well to being pissed of because our personal rights are being infringed is beyond me. Wearing a mask is not hard or a big deal. It might save sombody's life. Be a hero.
I'm shocked that Bandimere would go along with this. There's probably more to this than what has reported
It's not that simple. Putting large groups of people together without masks is just begging for trouble. It can quickly become a super spreader event. The virus is passed around at the mass gathering and then carried back to multiple sites by infected individuals - and on and on. Simply wearing a mask and making reasonable efforts to social distance and washing your hands frequently can drastically reduce this phenomenon. How we get from common sense behavior that will help ourselves and our neighbors stay well to being pissed of because our personal rights are being infringed is beyond me. Wearing a mask is not hard or a big deal. It might save sombody's life. Be a hero.

I have an essential business and talk to people all the time (wearing a mask). I also sanatize the equipment they bring in all the time wearing a mask. That is not being a hero - it is just being considerate - reasonable and practical. At 78 years old having been on my head in an Altered - stopped a Blower with my face - had what they said was one of the worst fires in a Front Motor T/F car at the time - done a 720 at the Dry Lakes at about 270 MPH and driving through a Block wall in a 2 motor T/G dragster, having a few people walking around outside without a mask on at the races doesn't bother me all that much. I personally would (and do) wear a mask where it is asked, but am incensed that some politician who cherry picks his or her so called expert scientists who cannot possibly know more about the Corona Virus than other scientists who have a different opinion - not fact and demands that someone do something or they will get a monetary fine is just a political power play. You are absolutely correct that bieng in the Medical field you see and are at greater risk because Medical Facilities are where people go to get sick because they are full of sick people. I still have to contend that this is and must be My decision because I believe it is right and reasonable for myself and others not because some Little Tyrant wants to prove that they can take away others Rights!
Disclaimer: I know nothing about the domain for this link. I've heard of them. But, that's it. I did a search for "actual covid-19 death toll".
Anyway, I've always thought the death toll from the Wuhan virus is inflated. The quotes are not from some "anonymous" source. The people are named.
Whenever you get government and big money involved, you'd best be hanging onto your wallets.

Disclaimer: I know nothing about the domain for this link. I've heard of them. But, that's it. I did a search for "actual covid-19 death toll".
Anyway, I've always thought the death toll from the Wuhan virus is inflated. The quotes are not from some "anonymous" source. The people are named.
Whenever you get government and big money involved, you'd best be hanging onto your wallets.

Here is one from Sept 1,

mark forbes in post #5 sums it up correctly. gov't. overstepping and extending their authority, leaving broken small business in their wake.
like the guy in one of the videos states the obvious......'we can't go to church, but we can go to walmart'

Yea, and at Walmart you're not sitting in the middle of a group of 100+ people for an hour or more, not moving the entire time. Everyone breathing into one congested area in a room 1/20 the size of the avg walmart. You're rarely next to the same person for more than 5 or 10 seconds and most times, you're not next to anyone within 10 ft or more. And for nowhere near an hour. I'm at Walmart 5 or 10 mins at the most. You're not passing the tray around with everybody's hands touching it at Walmart. Everybody at Walmart isn't standing up and singing 5 or 10x during all of this, which is worse than everyone just breathing possibly contaminated exhalings. Most churches don't have automatic doors, either. So you're grabbing that handle they all grabbed, too. And there's the door into the main chapel/sanctuary, too. Come on man. Seriously. Did you really make that comparison? Lmao.

I'm honestly sick of seeing this comparison. "wah wah wah! We can't do this, but we can go to walmart! Booo hooo hooo!" If one can't see the differences, it no wonder they don't understand the intricacies of the pandemic and the resulting response and think it's made up bullshit.
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Justin, you bring up some good points about church. I'm an usher at City View, church I go to in Phoenix. We just moved into a (new to us) building, and are tweaking the combination. Pastor is strict about following guidelines. All wear masks, social distance. Every other pew is closed off. No passing the plate (communion) cuz we're holding off on that. Donations go in a box by entrance. Pews are cleaned between services. We do open the doors before & after each service, which is about 45 min long. We have sanitizer stations all over. One thing we're not doing is cleaning the doors before & after. I will bring that up. BTW, that is one thing I hate about using a restroom in a diner, etc. No one cleans the door handles. Try to open the door with my foot and use a paper towel to open the door & go out. Yeah, I know paper towels are not "barriers" and germs go thru them. We just started going back to church a month ago. Some folks still watch on line as well. Crazy world....
BTW, that is one thing I hate about using a restroom in a diner, etc. No one cleans the door handles. Try to open the door with my foot and use a paper towel to open the door & go out.

I am on a crusade against public restroom doors that open in sop that you have to grab the door handle. At least if they open out, you can push them open with your foot or shoulder. One of the convenience store chains around here (Wawa) just installed new door handles with a hook so you can pull them open with your forearm. I guess they got tired of people like me who were grabbing stacks of napkins to open the door because they have hot air dryers and no paper towels.
I am on a crusade against public restroom doors that open in sop that you have to grab the door handle. At least if they open out, you can push them open with your foot or shoulder. One of the convenience store chains around here (Wawa) just installed new door handles with a hook so you can pull them open with your forearm. I guess they got tired of people like me who were grabbing stacks of napkins to open the door because they have hot air dryers and no paper towels.
Did you put your paper money in your wallet and change in your front pocket, or use your card and push the key pads. When you grab the gas nozzle to fill up, how does that work.

This is out of control, and this is not a slam at you Jim, but where does it stop.

Most importantly, how does it begin.
Did you put your paper money in your wallet and change in your front pocket, or use your card and push the key pads. When you grab the gas nozzle to fill up, how does that work.

This is out of control, and this is not a slam at you Jim, but where does it stop.

Most importantly, how does it begin.
It begins when people start putting Hygiene #1. Case in point. My family and I went camping last year. I went to the restroom to do my business. As I am sitting there someone comes into the stall next to me. This person does his thing, gets up, doesn't use toilet paper, and leaves the restroom with out washing his hands. PRETTY FREAK-IN GROSS

So it starts with Hygiene.
Did you put your paper money in your wallet and change in your front pocket, or use your card and push the key pads. When you grab the gas nozzle to fill up, how does that work.

1. I have not used paper money since March.
2. I use my debit card but it is contactless and I do not have to touch the keypad.
3. In the rare instances that I do have to touch the keypad, I use my pen.
4. The gas station I go to has plastic sheets that you can use when you touch the handle. They have had them for years and it is not in response to COVID-19.
5. There is a vast difference between pumping gas and a public restroom. Human waste is one of the biggest sources of infection around, In fact, some colleges (Colgate University for one) have installed waste-water COVID scanning in the dorms. If the scanners detect COVID, they quarantine and test the entire dorm.

This is out of control, and this is not a slam at you Jim, but where does it stop.

Most importantly, how does it begin.

I have worked in the healthcare business for 20 years and my wife is an RN. When you work in a hospital, there are courses and tests you have to take for handwashing. The bottom line is that COVID-19 or not, anyone who uses a public restroom and does not wash their hands is an unhealthy slob who is endangering their own health as well as others.

How does it begin? Take a biology course and you'll find out.
So it starts with Hygiene.

Yes. And it is not just for COVID-19. There are many diseases that are spread through poor hygiene. Hepatitis. Flu. Colds. Gastroenteritis. Threadworm. Roundworm. Food poisoning. Skin infections.

There is a long list.
1. I have not used paper money since March.
2. I use my debit card but it is contactless and I do not have to touch the keypad.
3. In the rare instances that I do have to touch the keypad, I use my pen.
4. The gas station I go to has plastic sheets that you can use when you touch the handle. They have had them for years and it is not in response to COVID-19.
5. There is a vast difference between pumping gas and a public restroom. Human waste is one of the biggest sources of infection around, In fact, some colleges (Colgate University for one) have installed waste-water COVID scanning in the dorms. If the scanners detect COVID, they quarantine and test the entire dorm.

I have worked in the healthcare business for 20 years and my wife is an RN. When you work in a hospital, there are courses and tests you have to take for handwashing. The bottom line is that COVID-19 or not, anyone who uses a public restroom and does not wash their hands is an unhealthy slob who is endangering their own health as well as others.

How does it begin? Take a biology course and you'll find out.
You are missing my point completely. I am not talking about only you. I am confident you will be the last one here to keep the light on with all of your precautions.

And I'm not talking about self hygiene which is obvious to anyone who craps or gives one.

If this is airborne transmission, why all of the wiping down and other precautions we are taking. All while many/most do not do as what we would consider standard operating procedure. Your medical degree will always trump mine. That does not make me an idiot, blind, naive or uninformed. I understand your poop protest. I don't know how you change the world with that one.

I am simply someone who has seen a completely different side of the healthcare system in the last year, and as late as last week, from behind the walls that no one is allowed, and how it is operating along with it's handwashing courses that are not being done as nurses are in and out of rooms on the fly, muchless any distancing, along with zero N95 masking and only gloving up if absolutely necessary. I am sure I will end up another BS number on your TV screen for pulling back the curtain with my experiences. But someone needs to start telling it the way it is. No family members are allowed inside the main doors for any reason, period. Have a medical directive in your hand and present it when you are wheeled in. Otherwise, your decision's don't matter and may not be of your own choice.

I was talking in general which was why I stated this is not a slam or attack at you.

As for your last request.
Thanks for the time and stay safe. Everyone
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So as of today Colorado has less than 140 people hospitalized in 100 hospitals with COVID. We have tested at below a 3% postive rate on an avg of 10k test a day for the pst 3 weeks. Bandimere is an outside facility and is limited to 175 people, yet 2500 can be downtown shoulder to shoulder protesting whatever they want. I was fine with the liimitations in March-May, but it fairly obvious at this point that for most places this is not a serious health issue unless you have morbitidies. And then that IMO is you responsability to monitor.

And the CDC release stated that only 6% of deaths were from COVID alone and that the others avg 2.6 morbidities. 48% of Colorado deaths were in nursing facilites( primarily hospice) and many would have succumbunder normal circimstances. Also the inexpensive paper masks are only good for 2 hours and then need to be replaced and scarves and balaclavas/gators do nothing. The vast majority of people are wearing a mask that does nothing for them of the people around them. And John Hopkins has stated that to be infected you need 15 minutes of close contact with an affected person. Walking by someone in the grocery store isn't going to give it to you. At least in Colorado this is political over reach by Dem leadership to affect the election in November. The state is facing a 6.8 billon dollar shortfall from COVID and wil noly get bailed out if a Dem is elected. Same goes for half a dozen other states.

Everyone is free to make thier own decision, but if it is not an N95 mask it is doing little to nothing for you or others.
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