Nitro Member
I guess I joined in at the old "Nitro Mater" late. Cause I don't remember any Pros posting there. It's extremely hard for me to believe, that way back then, you had the privilege of talking with a Pro racer. Now please tell me what other sports fans have this privilege? Baseball? Basketball? Football? Hockey? NASCAR? If I am wrong please tell me. Then a certain group of clowns, come along and messed it up for everyone. My dad had a saying and it's worth repeating here. "Put your brain in gear, before you put your actions and mouth in motion!" He had to use that on me a only a couple of times when I was a teenager and then it clicked. Sure hope, and it seems it's heading in that direction, that the Pros will come back and play. I do want to thank Mr. Jannard and Mr. Schumacher for sticking it out. It just proves another great saying "When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going!" Stay safe everyone, that's my 2 cents!!!