I think that impact-o-meter is going to show some pretty incredible numbers, especially if they are still mounted in all of the different locations that I heard or read... I've heard between 40 & 80G's, but take that with a grain of salt, and pinch of pepper...
Kind of made that love tap at Gainesville moot...
Other than those counting paint scrape's, as uncontrolled contact...
And I think she handle's Dad just fine...
That guy is going to give me a heart attack before this year is over... I know that's his baby out there, and the rest are his children... But I'm not sure how much more of John's freaking out I can take... I understand it, but it hurts to watch... The guy has had a year like no other in his life... That goes for some of us here as well... I hope he find's that inner peace sometime soon...
Sort of like last year at the spa, in the pool with Glen... Just breathe in and let it out...
Keep your head in the fight Ashley...
You're doing great in my book, and I will say something, if things go doh-doh...