Nitro Member
I've had many people say that it was up to the Iraqi people to "rise up" against Saddam. People like Saddam, Castro, Stalin, etc, etc, ETC, ONLY keep power by having a network of snitches to protect from organized uprisings. The mass graves of Iraq are full of patriots who tried to do what our own patriots did in our country. The only difference is that we're just lucky that ours succeeded.
Those Iraqi patriots did what I know many of us would do were the United States a dictatorship. We would try to organize and it would grow until it got to the one wrong person. Then, people and their families are tortured until the names are given up. Then those people and their families are tortured until more names are given up, etc.
I've often wondered if the technology of today hasn't HURT the attempts at uprising. I mean, if you have money you can afford body gaurds, bribes, surveilence that can cover more street corners than a bunch of gaurds could. I see those videos shot from camera phones from over there that display the brutality and I see there civilians have access to some of it, but who's to say they don't have the technology to send the text messages, e-mails etc, that can be scanned through firewalls.
Back then people could put the word out, organize quick enough to conduct a meeting in a manner where it might take a spy days to get back to his superior to support something like that, and unless the spy knew each individual, there would have taken time to get to each one, deal with them, etc. By that time the message could have spread further. Now with information spread within a matter of seconds, it's probably much easier to stamp these uprisings out before they even get alot of speed.