"Dr. Dirt"
Nitro Member
President George Bush is wiIIing to send US Armed Forces to their deaths in lraq and Afghanistan, the majority of the Army and Marines on the ground fighting the insurgents are approx 19 yrs of age.
Once again you missed the key point in your attempt to make the US look less than the greatest nation on the face of the earth.
Our military is 100% voluntary. There is no draft whatsoever and hasn't been for decades. Every last one of these valiant men and women have chosen this opportunity to serve in the undisputed greatest military force in the world to protect not only the USA but much of the world -- the UK included.
Almost every time you post another British jab at the USA I thank my lucky stars that OUR US forefathers had the courage, integrity and sense to throw that tea overboard in the Boston Harbor then kick what was left of your sorry butts back across the pond.