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My offer still stands.

And as far as the US being afraid of N. Korea? That WAS a joke right?

As a young parent, I learned a valuable lesson -- Never argue with a two year old! You can't reason with them, they can't communicate rational thoughts and nobody ever wins.
From a very rational observation attempting to see all sides of the communications, it's my belief that Terry just wants to irritate, inflame, insult and otherwise irrationally abuse certain others much like a very tired two year old. He did a wonderful job of completely insulting Virgil Hartman on the DJ Safety thread in the nostalgia section whereby Virgil reminded us all why it's just not worth it to even come here and post. If he knew more about drag racing, I'd swear he was Rodge-Pat McGill-Dan Lynch reincarnated?

Oh, by the way, I'll gladly pay 1/2 of whatever it costs to make your deal for deportation especially if it includes an exit from the Mater. I've yet to see something good come from his rhetoric?
Bobby....If you do not agree w/ someone's post you ask they be removed?
Simply do not read my remarks...
You are the king of insulting most here that speak out while I have only provided my knowledge or opinion...I have never insulted you or anyone verbally and your remarks..I might challenge the post(s) but I would never title you in any catagory other than a member of this site w/ an opinion..

You appear to be top-shelf w/ smooth responses but when frustrated and challenged your colors show w/ jabs of name calling....

BTW...I was email'd on the CIFCA deal by many non-members who look @ this site and they support my facts...including the ex-president of CIFCA...

You leave me a very good way. You have a way with words that I wish I could only be half as good at.

I did see the post on the other thread and it really disturbs me that someone would attack someone like Virgil in the way Mr. Jones did.

I have been around drag racing for a few (make that a lot of) number of years myself and have had some successes in the driver seat that I am proud of and have been beaten by the best and had have been a dragon slayer in my own right.

I miss being cinched in the belts so tight that bruises were on my shoulders and to have my better half tell me to go kick some butt. But I will leave that to the youngsters.

Believe me, the likes of Mr. Jones doesn't bother me. I learned a long time ago..the thicker the skin the better you will sleep at night.

Peace all.
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Bobby....If you do not agree w/ someone's post you ask they be removed?
Simply do not read my remarks...
You are the king of insulting most here that speak out while I have only provided my knowledge or opinion...I have never insulted you or anyone verbally and your remarks..I might challenge the post(s) but I would never title you in any catagory other than a member of this site w/ an opinion..

You appear to be top-shelf w/ smooth responses but when frustrated and challenged your colors show w/ jabs of name calling....

BTW...I was email'd on the CIFCA deal by many non-members who look @ this site and they support my facts...including the ex-president of CIFCA...

hmmmmmmmm...................Terry, are you sure about that? I have read PLENTY of insults that you have posted. Why don't you go back and read what you have posted in your history. Go back and read what you first posted in this thread! Are you that small minded? Your knowledge and opinions have been WAY OFF!!! Maybe England is the proper place for you and John to sit around and bash everyone! MISERY LOVES COMPANY!!!
Suzie...I have never called anyone a name or ask they be removed from the site...If my opinion insulted someone it was never directed @ any 1 person...
This deal started w/ an opinion and facts and others say leave the country..
I never said I don't love this I do...I was stating facts w/ regards to John's post, and my opinion...
Is that against the rules?
Isn't freedom to speak part of the American way?
Don't worry Daniel... most folks don't judge everyone by the actions of one.

Can you explain slag and bum please?

Hi Jackee,

I guess i shouldn't of used such British 'slang'!

Slag = Put someone down, moan about them, bitch about them etc...
Bum = Basically means that he loves them so much he would bum them....

Bet you didnt want to know all this!

Basically i am saying that on UK forums John loves the USA yet he arrives here and makes out he hates you guys.

This post was by a proud Brit with too much slang in his vocabulary.

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let me start off by saying that this is not directed at any one person or group....

what bothers me is that it seems that from a political aspect it seems that both liberals and conservatives have this point first on there agenda: DISAGREE WITH THE OTHER SIDE FIRST, instead of trying to concede that the other party might have a good idea. I consider myself a liberal, but that doesn't mean that i cannot concede a good point from a conservative. I see people disclaiming things all the time in different posts, because they come from a liberal perspective (or at least that is the only reason given), and although the liberal point of view seems to be the minority on this site, i will say that i occasionally see it the other way too. Perhaps if we could go about finding a common ground amongst either others POVs we could get along with solving more of the problems instead of dragging out the arguments. I love this country and the freedoms that we have, but i hate the way that our political pundants view anyone with a differing opinion as an enemy

P.S. Thanks for the b-day wishes Jenn :D:D:D
Hi Jackee,

I guess i shouldn't of used such British 'slang'!

Slag = Put someone down, moan about them, bitch about them etc...
Bum = Basically means that he loves them so much he would bum them....

Bet you didnt want to know all this!

Basically i am saying that on UK forums John loves the USA yet he arrives here and makes out he hates you guys.

This post was by a proud Brit with too much slang in his vocabulary.


Hey Dan.... thanks for the slang lesson ! :p Not to worry, I don't think anyone uses more slang then Americans. I work for an international company and associates from all over the world are here at one time or another. We say something we think is funny, and we get 'the look'. They have no idea what we're talking about because slang has become so much a part of the American language.... see, I didn't say English Language. We've already slaughtered that!

Mr. Hutchinson must like to be abused I guess. He knows he's going to get slammed when he dis's America. We ain't perfect, but most of us love our country and we're not going to take any flap from an outsider. That's just the way it is.
l agree that Saddam was a murdering dictator, but for America and the UK to go to war against him when he had no links to 911 or Al-Qaeda and no WMDs were ever found, speaks volumes.

Thousands of people are starving in North Korea, but if your country interferes in its internal affairs America will get more than it bargained for. North Korea has nuclear weapons and it only has to find the means of delivering them to Hawaii, l bet China is already helping North Korea to perfect it's ballistic missile system.

Don't forgot my country also fought against Hitler & Japan. Britain developed Radar which helped to win WWII and America developed the Atomic Bomb to end WWII.

John, how can you start a sentence like that, and then justify putting a "but" at the end? The man was a murdering, torturing dictator, so what does it matter how you stop him? What's more important here? We have HUGELY different priorities.

Is everyone forgetting the 17 United Nations resolutions that Saddam violated? Or, can you only make statements that defend Saddam Hussein? We simply enforced the resolutions while the United Nations that we waste our tax dollars by funding 20% of sat on it's ass.

People died so you and I could have our ways of life. I don't think that should be spent sitting on our butts and complaining when people are dying so that others can have our way of life.

If you count the Kurds being sent to the front lines in the Iran-Iraq war, Saddam is easily guilty of murdering over 2,000,000 of his own citizens. I dare anyone to take a look at a small fraction of what was daily life in Iraq and then complain about anyone else doing whatever it took to stop it.


When humans had to endure and die through that, what fancy words about what was and wasn't proper about how we stopped it matter? You know what? Even though it's never been proven that George Bush lied about anything (because lie has to do with intent), I WISH I was President and had an opportunity to simply lie and stop something like that. 6 billion people on the face of this earth could know me as a liar.
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I love the USA as much as you do but if you dis-agree outloud you are a liberal...I was just stating facts...I agree that Saddam needed to be ousted but what about all the other evil leaders?
The facts are not left or right wingers...just the facts....
Just the facts? I'd be interested to see the proof of this "fact" that you posted earlier:

Registered member said:
More native civilians in IRAQ have died since the USA invasion than all of the years Saddam ruled combined.
let me start off by saying that this is not directed at any one person or group....

what bothers me is that it seems that from a political aspect it seems that both liberals and conservatives have this point first on there agenda: DISAGREE WITH THE OTHER SIDE FIRST, instead of trying to concede that the other party might have a good idea. I consider myself a liberal, but that doesn't mean that i cannot concede a good point from a conservative. I see people disclaiming things all the time in different posts, because they come from a liberal perspective (or at least that is the only reason given), and although the liberal point of view seems to be the minority on this site, i will say that i occasionally see it the other way too. Perhaps if we could go about finding a common ground amongst either others POVs we could get along with solving more of the problems instead of dragging out the arguments. I love this country and the freedoms that we have, but i hate the way that our political pundants view anyone with a differing opinion as an enemy

P.S. Thanks for the b-day wishes Jenn :D:D:D

You're correct in that many will simply find a way to oppose. That's why I try to debate ideas instead of political leanings. Sometimes I do use the term "liberal" for expedience, but I try to avoid it.

I believe that most people have good intentions and don't deserve to be treated in any other way. I want the best net result in any situation. One problem in this country is that something like 80-90% of the media votes Democrat and you have a population that's been fed biased news for over 30 years. Many good intentioned people are simply wrong due to not having been given all the facts. I can make that statement pertaining to MANY subjects.

I'm a 100% fiscal conservative because that's simply math. When the last two Democrat Presidents left office and economies in the toilet, tax cutting Republicans stepped in and brought us back (with media kicking and screaming "They're cutting taxes during a BAD economy!" each time.) Where are all the people who were complaining about Bush mailing back the tax rebates when the government had a surplus while the private sector was in a recession? They're the same ones who bought into the media criticizing George Bush when unemployment was at 5.5%, the exact same number they PRAISED Bill Clinton for having.

I'm a social liberal because I don't think you can legislate what people want in their personal lives, or keep them from getting it. That works about as well as Prohibition did. As I once heard it said "The Republicans want to be in your bedrooms and the Democrats want to be in your boardrooms." I don't want either of them in either place.
let me start off by saying that this is not directed at any one person or group....

what bothers me is that it seems that from a political aspect it seems that both liberals and conservatives have this point first on there agenda: DISAGREE WITH THE OTHER SIDE FIRST, instead of trying to concede that the other party might have a good idea. I consider myself a liberal, but that doesn't mean that i cannot concede a good point from a conservative. I see people disclaiming things all the time in different posts, because they come from a liberal perspective (or at least that is the only reason given), and although the liberal point of view seems to be the minority on this site, i will say that i occasionally see it the other way too. Perhaps if we could go about finding a common ground amongst either others POVs we could get along with solving more of the problems instead of dragging out the arguments. I love this country and the freedoms that we have, but i hate the way that our political pundants view anyone with a differing opinion as an enemy

P.S. Thanks for the b-day wishes Jenn :D:D:D

Well said, Mike. I, too, tend to be slightly left of center in my leanings, but I do try not to condemn any idea from the right just because it is from the right. I hope Jackee will agree with me on this--I believe that EITHER extreme-extreme right or extreme left is a dangerous place to be, but as you said, hopefully the extremes will lead to a place somewhere in the middle where we can lay some differences aside and work for the common good of the country. Just for the record, I am a registered independent, which precludes my voting in primaries in my state, but over the years I have voted for Republicans and Democrats based on what in my own poor fashion I percieve as policies that will be good for the country AND for me. Does that make any sense? Mike, you are certainly insightful beyond your years, and Jackee, do you see what I am getting at here? I don't agree with all of your stands, but I certainly do agree with some of them. That's ok with you, isn't it?

I love the USA as much as you do but if you dis-agree outloud you are a liberal...I was just stating facts...I agree that Saddam needed to be ousted but what about all the other evil leaders?
The facts are not left or right wingers...just the facts....
It does not matter which administration is in power because America needs balance as if it was one-sided it would destroy itself...Now that is my opinion...

And to David.....are'nt most humans red-blooded....

How can you agree that Saddam needed to be ousted, and then complain about the only way there was to accomplish it? Surely you don't think the UN oil for food fiasco, the program that many wanted to give more time to "work" would have done it. Saddam pocketed billions in kickbacks, 20% of which we funded with our tax dollars. At what point does anyone think he would have "buckled"? The last number I heard was $22 billion in his pocket, meaning 4.4 billion of our dollars.

I've had many people say that it was up to the Iraqi people to "rise up" against Saddam. People like Saddam, Castro, Stalin, etc, etc, ETC, ONLY keep power by having a network of snitches to protect from organized uprisings. The mass graves of Iraq are full of patriots who tried to do what our own patriots did in our country. The only difference is that we're just lucky that ours succeeded.

Those Iraqi patriots did what I know many of us would do were the United States a dictatorship. We would try to organize and it would grow until it got to the one wrong person. Then, people and their families are tortured until the names are given up. Then those people and their families are tortured until more names are given up, etc.

Just put yourself in that situation for a moment. You're being forced to watch your family members being tortured and you give up the 10 names that you have, knowing that you're condemning your friends to what you're going through, along with your execution to follow. What makes them think you don't have 20 names? At what point do you think you're going to get to stop watching your sons, daughters, wives, and husbands being raped, burned with torches, dismembered, etc, etc, etc? But you people want to quibble over what the "proper" way to remove the people who cause this is? That's insane!

It is IDEALISTIC to wish that 25 million people could organize and all rise at once without ONE WRONG SNITCH finding out about it. It is REALISTIC to realize that it cannot happen.

When these brutal, selfish bastards will put hundreds of thousands and millions of people through this simply to protect their own power, only for people on message boards around the world to mince words about what was and wasn't proper about removing them. Again, you people have some screwed up priorities. You want to apply some moral code to dealing with people who have absolutely no morals.

I wish some of you could trade places with people living under those dictatorships, and that those who would do whatever it would take to stop it could take your places here. People died for our freedoms, and if you're going to complain about people dying for others to be free, I don't think you deserve to have your own feedom.
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Well said, Mike. I, too, tend to be slightly left of center in my leanings, but I do try not to condemn any idea from the right just because it is from the right. I hope Jackee will agree with me on this--I believe that EITHER extreme-extreme right or extreme left is a dangerous place to be, but as you said, hopefully the extremes will lead to a place somewhere in the middle where we can lay some differences aside and work for the common good of the country. Just for the record, I am a registered independent, which precludes my voting in primaries in my state, but over the years I have voted for Republicans and Democrats based on what in my own poor fashion I percieve as policies that will be good for the country AND for me. Does that make any sense? Mike, you are certainly insightful beyond your years, and Jackee, do you see what I am getting at here? I don't agree with all of your stands, but I certainly do agree with some of them. That's ok with you, isn't it?

Why would it matter if anything is ok with me? :confused: I think the quote in my signature sums things up. ;)
Why would it matter if anything is ok with me? :confused: I think the quote in my signature sums things up. ;)

I didn't mean any disrespect or anything, Jackee. I was just trying to explain that even though there are issues that we don't agree on, I respect your opinion especially because it is always well researched and documented. I was actually attempting to give you a compliment. Hope you took it as such. You see, it DOES matter to me what you think, because even though we may differ on certain issues, I value your opinions and input and I enjoy reading your contributions.
I didn't mean any disrespect or anything, Jackee. I was just trying to explain that even though there are issues that we don't agree on, I respect your opinion especially because it is always well researched and documented. I was actually attempting to give you a compliment. Hope you took it as such. You see, it DOES matter to me what you think, because even though we may differ on certain issues, I value your opinions and input and I enjoy reading your contributions.

Taken the way you meant it Terry. Just messin' with ya. :D

For me, I can say with all certainty, that the older I get, the more conservative I become. Some of the stuff I see going on in this country today is very disturbing to me.
Taken the way you meant it Terry. Just messin' with ya. :D

For me, I can say with all certainty, that the older I get, the more conservative I become. Some of the stuff I see going on in this country today is very disturbing to me.

Interesting you should say that, Jackee! Being a child of the 60s and a college student during the early 70s during the Viet Nam conflict, that rather polarized a lot of my political leanings. But as you said, the older I get, the more conservative I seem to become. I doubt I ever will become a Rush devotee, but as the years go by, the pendulum certainly doesn't swing as far to the left in its arc as it did say 30 years ago! Glad you were just messin' with me also!
Interesting you should say that, Jackee! Being a child of the 60s and a college student during the early 70s during the Viet Nam conflict, that rather polarized a lot of my political leanings. But as you said, the older I get, the more conservative I seem to become. I doubt I ever will become a Rush devotee, but as the years go by, the pendulum certainly doesn't swing as far to the left in its arc as it did say 30 years ago! Glad you were just messin' with me also!

I was a teenager and young adult during Viet Nam. No interest in politics whatsoever. However, I, like everyone was bombarded with the body counts day in and day out..... and, for the record, a daily count could be higher then the total count in Iraq for the years we've been there. Anyway, it was my classmates and cousins who were being drafted and dying. It felt awful. So, without even knowing why we were there, if we should be there, or anything other then my gut feeling that war sucks and kills people, I protested that war....because it 'felt' wrong, I had nothing else to go on and a LOT of other folks were doing the same.

As I matured, I came to realize that I had not one single qualification for making any decisions about that war. I protested it because it felt good to be against something that was killing my friends and family. I had no idea back then that my actions and the actions of all the other folks who 'felt' the way I did, were providing aid & comfort to the enemy. And no one could convince me otherwise.

There is speculation as to whether Churchill actually made this statement, but to me, it really doesn't matter who said it. It describes my political journey. "If you're 20 and not a Liberal, you have no heart. If you're 40 and not a Conservative, you have no brain." When I stopped using my feelings to influence my views, and started looking into the issues from both sides and making up my own mind, I feel I found my brain.
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