AlGore’s personal electricity consumption up 10% (1 Viewer)


Nitro Member
Jul 22, 2006
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Typical liberal hypocrite!

NASHVILLE - In the year since Al Gore took steps to make his home more energy-efficient, the former Vice President’s home energy use surged more than 10%, according to the Tennessee Center for Policy Research.

“A man’s commitment to his beliefs is best measured by what he does behind the closed doors of his own home,” said Drew Johnson, President of the Tennessee Center for Policy Research. “Al Gore is a hypocrite and a fraud when it comes to his commitment to the environment, judging by his home energy consumption.”

In the past year, Gore’s home burned through 213,210 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity, enough to power 232 average American households for a month.

In February 2007, An Inconvenient Truth, a film based on a climate change speech developed by Gore, won an Academy Award for best documentary feature. The next day, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research uncovered that Gore’s Nashville home guzzled 20 times more electricity than the average American household.

After the Tennessee Center for Policy Research exposed Gore’s massive home energy use, the former Vice President scurried to make his home more energy-efficient. Despite adding solar panels, installing a geothermal system, replacing existing light bulbs with more efficient models, and overhauling the home’s windows and ductwork, Gore now consumes more electricity than before the “green” overhaul.

Since taking steps to make his home more environmentally-friendly last June, Gore devours an average of 17,768 kWh per month –1,638 kWh more energy per month than before the renovations – at a cost of $16,533. By comparison, the average American household consumes 11,040 kWh in an entire year, according to the Energy Information Administration.

In the wake of becoming the most well-known global warming alarmist, Gore won an Oscar, a Grammy and the Nobel Peace Prize. In addition, Gore saw his personal wealth increase by an estimated $100 million thanks largely to speaking fees and investments related to global warming hysteria.

“Actions speak louder than words, and Gore’s actions prove that he views climate change not as a serious problem, but as a money-making opportunity,” Johnson said. “Gore is exploiting the public’s concern about the environment to line his pockets and enhance his profile.”

The Tennessee Center for Policy Research, a Nashville-based free market think tank and watchdog organization, obtained information about Gore’s home energy use through a public records request to the Nashville Electric Service.

Tennessee Center for Policy Research
With this extreme heat/cold wave we are having due to global warming/cooling.
I'm sure AlGore is having to run the AC/furnace day and night.:D
Its really a shame. I expect politicians to be hypocrites but when even the guy who preaches the "Green truth" doesn't even believe it:mad:

I don't buy full into the global enviro fear but there is a problem and steps do need to be taken. To see one of the leaders of that movement being such a lying hypocrite is sad. Especially since he was already called out on this about a year ago.

He has no credibilty in his fight now.
One of my good friends in Tennessee pointed out to me that Gore didn't even carry his home state in the presidential election. That speaks volumes to me. Typical limousine liberal all the way:mad:
One of my good friends in Tennessee pointed out to me that Gore didn't even carry his home state in the presidential election. That speaks volumes to me. Typical limousine liberal all the way:mad:

with all the Republicans that seem to get busted for cheating and being gay I would think we could point out enough on both sides who fit the hypocrite label. I don't think its a liberal thing or a conservative thing, it seem to be more of a politician thing
One of my good friends in Tennessee pointed out to me that Gore didn't even carry his home state in the presidential election. That speaks volumes to me. Typical limousine liberal all the way:mad:
McCain is not guaranteed to carry Arizona, FWIW.
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with all the Republicans that seem to get busted for cheating and being gay I would think we could point out enough on both sides who fit the hypocrite label. I don't think its a liberal thing or a conservative thing, it seem to be more of a politician thing

Oh trust me the "conservatives" (who have proven that most of them are not) are just as big a hypoctites as any. As far as I am concerned most all politicians SUCK. Gore just happens to be a liberal is all. Both sides of the aisle have enough blame to go around for sure. I am just as sick of that moron Bush, and I sadly must admit I voted for him twice. :mad:
Yes I voted for Bush the first time...and most people I know feel he will be labeled as the worst President in our nations history.

I am still waiting for him to do something for the American people aside from putting the fear of terrorism and being attacked..
Yes I voted for Bush the first time...and most people I know feel he will be labeled as the worst President in our nations history.

I am still waiting for him to do something for the American people aside from putting the fear of terrorism and being attacked..

Worse than Jimmy Carter? Where were you in the late 70's, I remember 14% prime interest rates, you don't? Iran Hostage's Hello McFly???:confused:
Y'know, reading all this stuff, I think of a lot of things. I am, as the republicans always choose to call me, a "liberal" although I prefer the term democrat, since that is how I register to vote. And yes, even though I am a democrat, I am not a fan of Al Gore. I tend not to make my political choices along party lines. I do not think someone will be a great candidate if he is a democrat, nor do I automatically slap some label on a republican candidate and discount him and his ideas simply because he has an R before his name instead of a D.

And Lord knows there's been enough hypocrisy, dishonesty, and immorality on behalf of both parties to last us into the NEXT millenium. All I'm trying to say here is that I believe I can come up with as many transgressions on the Elephant side of the isle as the other side can come up with for the Donkey side of the isle. In the end, all we have done is called each other a bunch of names, and besmirched ourselves in the process. Those of you that inhabit the right side of the isle are entitled to your beliefs and I welcome that. I will continue to listen, believe what I believe until I hear a better way, and try to do it without generalizing and labeling people who I don't consider opponents anyway. Right, Alan Loder???

End of Sermon--I'm sorry--I'll put the soap box away now and be quiet
Y'know, reading all this stuff, I think of a lot of things. I am, as the republicans always choose to call me, a "liberal" although I prefer the term democrat, since that is how I register to vote. And yes, even though I am a democrat, I am not a fan of Al Gore. I tend not to make my political choices along party lines. I do not think someone will be a great candidate if he is a democrat, nor do I automatically slap some label on a republican candidate and discount him and his ideas simply because he has an R before his name instead of a D.

And Lord knows there's been enough hypocrisy, dishonesty, and immorality on behalf of both parties to last us into the NEXT millenium. All I'm trying to say here is that I believe I can come up with as many transgressions on the Elephant side of the isle as the other side can come up with for the Donkey side of the isle. In the end, all we have done is called each other a bunch of names, and besmirched ourselves in the process. Those of you that inhabit the right side of the isle are entitled to your beliefs and I welcome that. I will continue to listen, believe what I believe until I hear a better way, and try to do it without generalizing and labeling people who I don't consider opponents anyway. Right, Alan Loder???

End of Sermon--I'm sorry--I'll put the soap box away now and be quiet

Great Post T, and personally, I think Al Gore is pretty much a jackass....literally....:D
For those of you who tuned into this thread late Alan is an Elephant and I am a Donkey (although we both agree on Al Gore) and our digs at each other's political beliefs are generally good natured ribbings etc. Not much attempt is made by either party to change the other's political leanings--we accept each for what we are and are friends who just happen to believe different things politically. Isn't that kinda what democracy is all about???
Bottom line is we are all AMERICANS and are in desparate need of leadership in DC to right some of the wrongs that are tearing this great country apart. Really does not matter if they have a D or and R beside their name--problem is seems most have a P as in POLITICIAN. More interested in getting re-elected and not in solving the problems we face.:mad:
Bottom line is we are all AMERICANS and are in desparate need of leadership in DC to right some of the wrongs that are tearing this great country apart. Really does not matter if they have a D or and R beside their name--problem is seems most have a P as in POLITICIAN. More interested in getting re-elected and not in solving the problems we face.:mad:

Mike, that seems to be the recurring theme of politics. More interested in getting re-elected than getting anything done. For that reason, I support term limits for ALL politicians, not just the President.
Bottom line is we are all AMERICANS and are in desparate need of leadership in DC to right some of the wrongs that are tearing this great country apart. Really does not matter if they have a D or and R beside their name--problem is seems most have a P as in POLITICIAN. More interested in getting re-elected and not in solving the problems we face.:mad:
Thanks, Mike! I really like the R, D, and P analogy. Well said.
Worse than Jimmy Carter? Where were you in the late 70's, I remember 14% prime interest rates, you don't? Iran Hostage's Hello McFly???:confused:

That's because the dollar was worth something back then it's almost not worth the paper it's printed on now so that point is mute!

Maybe Iran would have not been so hostile to us if we didn't install the Shaw he made Saddam look like a poodle. Oh yeah our government help put him in place too! LOL :p
I didn't like Carter very much either but it was a slap in his face after he negotiated ,diplomatically, the release of those hostages. Iran didn't release them until Regan took office to add to the insult.....
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