4 possible red lights for every group of cars. The first or worse rule would apply for who advances.The Brave New World begins this weekend and I'll throw out a couple of questions.
How many possible redlights for every group of cars?
How will records be kept regarding wins/losses vs. the competition? For instance it used to be listed as Dixon beats Brown. Is it now Dixon beats Brown and Lucas, Schumacher beats Dixon, Brown, and Lucas, and Lucas beats Brown? Can someone's record go from 250 wins 100 losses to 253/100 or 250/103 in a single pass?
Food for thought, and an example of the law of unintended consequences.
i see your daughter's entry for TF for Concord and listed as
Hartley/Hartman Racing.............are you teaming up with the Hartley's
for this weekend? whatever the case, best wishes, will be pulling for you.
Yes we get to be there. Things came together quickly last Friday thru Sunday to allow us to experience what I feel is going to be an exciting event. It was touch and go until Monday afternoon on whether we could get John in his dad's car also. Other commitments kept it from happening.
We are teaming up with the Hartley's because they have good equipment and I have sold all of our stuff. Joe and Alan want to be out racing and we feel this is the best path for the future of both our teams.
almost feel like buying a plane ticket just to come watch you guys
(hartman/hartley racing)
Mike, we would love to see you there, but if you don't come you will miss an exciting event. But then again, it might rain and cause utter caos for everyone, or someone might redlight, or oil down, or have trouble keeping records of who won or loss, or switch lanes, or a crew member might not be able to tell who won or loss from the starting line without looking at the scoreboards, or one of those guys pushing a car might slip, or a crew chief might get constipated, or some women might look sexy, wait a minute, that might be a good thing, or whatever else the people unfortunate enough to not be able to go can think up that might go wrong.
Just a thought, can you imagine what a four wide pedal fest would look, sound and feel like? Or the four low ets of the meet being ran in the final and the win going to the slowest driver on a hole shot?
Hey Dan!How will records be kept regarding wins/losses vs. the competition? For instance it used to be listed as Dixon beats Brown. Is it now Dixon beats Brown and Lucas, Schumacher beats Dixon, Brown, and Lucas, and Lucas beats Brown? Can someone's record go from 250 wins 100 losses to 253/100 or 250/103 in a single pass?
Hey Dan!
They'll only get one win or loss per round, but I see what you mean about head-to-head competition statistics. Frey is going to have a headache for a week!
I'd say that if you advance (both drivers) will be credited with wins over the 2 drivers who did not advance. And the 2 losing drivers will be credited with loses to each. Seems the matter of fact way to do it.
Or, they may just not worry about W/L records this weekend.
For once I'm glad i live in expensive Jersey. No way Englishtown would ever add 2 more lanes. I dont get the hype. I go there to watch Drag racing passes.
Why would I ever want them to be done twice as fast??
Don't get it...
I guess the ultimate would be to line up all cars out at the Salt Flats and run them all at once, all classes.
Paul Page would prob explode, which might make some people happy..
just thinking out loud