Nitro Member
i have to also agree with bob benza about how hard it is to drive a pro-stock car. i had always heard that an alcohol f/c was the hardest until i was given the chance to drive a pro-stock. after a couple races match races i relized i needed to stay in a f/c. the staging of a pro-stock car takes about 4 hands and 2 sets of eyes until you get comfortable. (if you ever do). some people have what it takes and some don't. some might need a couple years worth of runs to get comfortable. seeing how shaun came from sport compact it could just be to hard to shake the style required to drive the import compared to the 500 inch nhra cars. not trying to pick on him but mabey he just can't get acustomed to it. nobody is perfect. this is why i say i am impressed with erica enders. also i tip my hat to mike ashley for his ability to go from the door cars to a nitro f/c. i don't know of too many people that can go from one style to another with a large amount of success in every catagory they try.
So you're saying anybody can drive a funny car?!?