Sat & Sun for me.
See you guys there.
where are you staying - they tell me $89 at my old hotel (courtyard baldwin park) if your int. or if anyone is. email me at [email protected]
How do I get to La Paloma from the track? I've always heard good things about it and would like to give it a try if time allows. Thanks!
Busy weekend! I will be there at least a couple of days. Thurs or Sat, and Sunday for sure. Irwindale Speedway Saturday night. Sprint Car Oval Nationals Thursday and or Friday night.
Go north to foothill blvd and turn right, It will be on your left just before you get to garey ave. Its been there a long time. Pinnacle Peak is my favorite.
But dont wear a tie cause they will cut it off.
Last minute deal.. flight arrives at noon thursday.. hope to be at the track by 1. then be there till the end.