Who's Coming to Pomona (2 Viewers)

StarLink Now $299

My boy and I and others (4) will be there. Fri Sat Sun Aisle 1 row 40 (the top!) seats 1-7. Don't know if we will make the meetings as were dependent on our rides from others.
I should be there Fri-Sun. My Mother's health is becoming an issue, but scheduling races in '08 might be changing, gonna play it by ear.
Joe are you going to the Barbeque this year, the weather is going be better and I think there will be more people.
How do I get to La Paloma from the track? I've always heard good things about it and would like to give it a try if time allows. Thanks!
How do I get to La Paloma from the track? I've always heard good things about it and would like to give it a try if time allows. Thanks!

Go north to foothill blvd and turn right, It will be on your left just before you get to garey ave. Its been there a long time. Pinnacle Peak is my favorite.
But dont wear a tie cause they will cut it off.
I heard JROD was gonna be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait I think his MacAzz lives there....my bad

Last minute deal.. flight arrives at noon thursday.. hope to be at the track by 1. then be there till the end.
Go north to foothill blvd and turn right, It will be on your left just before you get to garey ave. Its been there a long time. Pinnacle Peak is my favorite.
But dont wear a tie cause they will cut it off.

Thanks, Sandy. And don't worry, my idea of getting "duded up" would be wearing my Blue Max golf shirt with my jeans and sneakers.
I'll be there Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Sunday I work the information booth at the main entrance
in the morning. That gets me special parking, which is worth the time.
Friday and Saturday I will be with a couple of SS and Stock people that are good friends.
As you come in the main gate Sunday morning say hello.
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