I had not thought of it until someone mentioned it. But if it was my team, I think I would choose Clay.
Tons of people that can drive out there. Both currently running, and in other classes that could step up. I want someone that will drive well, then sparkle in interviews, handle the pressure and please the fans.
Now, I don't want to start a war here, but just a question. I have had the opportunity to live abroad and know many middle-eastern people on an 'in their home' basis. What I know about them, their beliefs and their culture- I would not be surprised to find out that the dollars backing the car would not want a woman driver.
Our American culture is way far advanced in womens rights and freedoms over just about any others. Maybe these dollars are very Americanized and would not mind, but possibly they would be very opposed to it. We may get to see who makes the decisions. The money or the owner.