Wahoo! Glad you got straightened out.I can post!!! I can post!!!
Whit is a total character. I chat with him now and again and every time I do, he is a totally cool dude. But he is a fierce competetor, and it's tough not to wear your emotions on your sleeve. Look at Capps...he gets ruffled sometimes. I remember Force chasing Lee Beard. I remember Herbert and Millican (and look how funny Clay is...yet he gets worked up like the best of em.)
It was real nice of you to say some good things on here about him. Atleast someone does. We need more postive energy on this board, and I for one am real happy to see you back here.
Speaking of which, how about calling that Texan up and getting his ass back on a bike with Team Discovery and Oakley next year. Retirement my ass. (Tell him I said that.) America needs Lance. If those Frenchies win the tour this year, Im gonna drink myself into a stupor.
See you in Sonoma Brotha!!!!
I can post!!! I can post!!!
I agree with Jim J. It was really funny. The MOPAR guys put on a really nice deal every year, and it is a "must see" event.
I also agree with Whit, I've known him for a while now and he's right.
P.S. Thanks for the drinks, Jim. Next time it's on me.
I can see it now on next weeks broacast..................
Gary Gerrel: "Hey Whit, it's been stated on that internet forum that you referred to your own self as a Dick"
Whit Bazemore: "Gary, I don't know where you get your information, but I'm here to win this race"