Any idea what the rpm’s could be at launch? I was standing near the starting line late Saturday night and Bruno’s sounded insane. I don’t know how anything can stay together running that hard.Pretty sure it's a Cobalt. But it could be a Solara. Call it a Cobara. Whatever. What impresses me is the ungodly power racers manage to extract from Toyota's 2JZ. This Camaro - oops, I mean Toyota - from New Zealand (5.72, 256 here, it's gone 5.69/259) has to be pushing at least 3500 horsepower. Out of 3 liters.
Bruno's car might be different at the launch but I believe the ones in the cars like I posted are shifting around 11K. Those little engines live with over 100 pounds of boost. Incredible.Any idea what the rpm’s could be at launch? I was standing near the starting line late Saturday night and Bruno’s sounded insane. I don’t know how anything can stay together running that hard.