Mike it's not just Bush, it's congress too.
Tancredo is an abnormality it seems.
That other Arizona Congressman who was of his ilk lost last Nov.
Guess we know the power of the Hispanic vote.
Yep several states are at or over 50 percent Hispanic and several more are approaching that level.
I used to say I was for annexing Mexico and I see it as a win win situation and the boon economically that would last for decades .
The Mexicans vote in the affirmative for it every night.
I have Grand kids that are half brown and smart ,beautiful and excel in school and sports .
Raised in New Mexico my best friends are Hispanic and they used to tease me as a johnny come lately as they were descended from the original Spanish Settlers who came in the 1500's or so.
Ain't got time to look it up but Santa Fe is one of the oldest cities in the US.
As I said I like the brown people , we share christian and family values and good work ethics.
As I also said demographics will change in this country anyway and I am seeing the European Whites pushing socialism , abortion , welfare, rights for the enemy us citizens don't get, crazy laws thinking we can change the patterns of hot and cold the sun causes are on the horizon .
I think I see ROME burning we better come up with some plans soon.
We better determine if we are in a war of Necessity or a war of Choice , that should be the priority because the biggest disinformation campaign since WW2's Herman Goebbels against the Jews and Roosevelt's campaign in 1942 and 1943 to convince this country we were not getting our butts kicked and were not out gunned and outmaneuvered early in the war, they [ the press ] motivated the country to sacrifice even more or we would not have won it.
If we had just lost England alone we would not have been able to bomb the German war machine factories or cut off fuel supplies.
The war could have gone on for decades.
Thats the power of the pen.
"The Pen is Mightier than the Sword !"
Edward Bulwer-Lytton Quote
We have to get our priorities straight!
This disinformation campaign today is saying it's all America's fault , we can't win, the war is wrong and Illeagal , if it feels good then do it.
It's your body do with it as you wish, and I'm not going to get into what it says about Republicans and in kind Conservatives in general.
Have I said anything about TERM LIMITS !
Thats the only way to remove entrenched people in Washington who are beholden to everything but the people.
Enough of this, Racin tonight all is OK for a little while.
I have noticed a decline in spectator attendance.
I think the high gas prices are taking their toll on discretionary spending.