US baseball 'rife' with drug use (2 Viewers)

If the Powers at be had the stones to look at Pro Football and Basketball I'm sure a lot of those guys would get Broomed over as well!:confused:
Big deal...the only surprising name out of this whole investigation is Pettitte imo. And I`ll wait to hear Andys statement before I pass judgement on him. Clemens, well no big shocker there. Where`s all the other really BIG names we were supposed to hear about (ARod, Bagwell, etc)? I take Mitchell with a grain of salt...not too many Red Sox on his list, gee I wonder why! Come opening day, most everybody will have forgotten about the whole thing. I hope the guys that are still playing in `08 can live with the 5 or 10 game suspension Bud will give `em.
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We all have known for years that pro sports were juiced. No shocker there and I think there are alot of players with a sigh of relief yesterday that they werent named b/c they should have been.

To me, they are all still Hall of Famers b/c it wasnt banned at the time, and they were great players. Roger Clemens could possibly be someone's vote for the greatest pitcher of all time. The way I look at it is like this, I could take all the steriods in the world and I still couldnt win over 300 games and strikeout that many people nor could I hit 700 home runs. Dont get me wrong, I cant stand Bonds but I dont think there is any way they can keep them out of the HOF. Records tainted, ofcourse.
If the Powers at be had the stones to look at Pro Football and Basketball I'm sure a lot of those guys would get Broomed over as well!:confused:

Yep...The NFL is probably 10 times worse than any other sport.

Big deal...the only surprising name out of this whole investigation is Pettitte imo. And I`ll wait to hear Andys statement before I pass judgement on him. Clemens, well no big shocker there. Where`s all the other really BIG names we were supposed to hear about (ARod, Bagwell, etc)? I take Mitchell with a grain of salt...not too many Red Sox on his list, gee I wonder why! Come opening day, most everybody will have forgotten about the whole thing. I hope the guys that are still playing in `08 can live with the 5 or 10 game suspension Bud will give `em.

There were actually some small time guys that I was surprised to see on there, guys that if you looked at them you would never think they were juicing.
There are many more, this is the report from 2 known suppliers. There are many more suppliers and therefore many more names to be released.

Some estimates put it at 80% of players were using.

I think the argument of it not being against the rules is weak as hell. Why was Micheal Vick suspended this year before his trial. Dog fighting is not against any nfl rule...oh wait its against the are steroids.

While it is true that if we take some 300lbs coach potato and juice them up it is unlikey that they will all of a sudden run 9.8 in the 100m dash, crank 50 homers a year and throw 105mph fast ball. You have to start out with an athletic base and be a good athlete already. Bonds was already headed for a hof career before he took the roids. But the roids really padded his stats. If you don't believe that they helped look at his avg home runs before and after.
During the roid years he averaged more homers than he had ever hit in his best season prior to that. He would have been around a 500homer guy. Now he has a completely bogus record.

Now we see Clemens may not be all that we thought he is and the list goes on.

They all knew it wasn't right and that even if there was no precise rule, that is did break the spirit of the rules. Why else keep it hidden? hell I commend Jose Connseco for at least being open and honest about it. I suppose if you don't think you're good enough on your own then you may think you need the roids
This is gonna get ugly! I mean in the ranks of MLB....not here. ;)
All stick and ball sports are ate up with drugs. For some reason, people hold baseball to a higher standard. The year the Carolina Panthers went to the Super Bowl, 8 players failed the drug test (all steroids) including the punter! Yet you never hear about that. I pay zero attention to the Tour de France because I just assume they are all doped up, because a guy that isn't doping is not going to beat that many that are. The Olympics are the biggest joke of all. Any time anyone breaks a track and field record, I just assume it will stand only long enough for them to get caught. Even downhill skiers in the World Cup got busted in Austria a couple years back. I have even heard that NASCAR is looking at a testing policy for the over-the-wall guys on pit crews, because rumors are circulating that some of those teams that turn in the super quick stops consistently are on the juice.

It remains to be seen whether baseball is being noble or stupid by airing it's dirty laundry like this.
Tylenol? PFFFTT! It aint a hangover unless you need ALEVE! ;)
PJ, I understand that roids could help a batter. No doubt, like you said take a ok player and make him good, take a good player and make him great, take a great player and make him a HOF player but I just dont see roids helping a pitcher that much except for maybe stay healthy arm wise and give him a little more pop maybe. He's still got to know what to do. I think its a big huge black eye for baseball and they are the ones who are going to have to deal with it but it goes on in every sport. When you make the money those guys do, its always going to be something illegal going on to inhance themselves. Always.
Roids do more than just build muscle. Most people think over some guy with crazy size muscles or a head like Bonds. They also help to reduce the downtime needed to recover from whatever physcial exursion. Now that can be from a 40yd wr route, to continous mountain stages on the tour de Farce, or between pitches. If pitcher A is non juiced and can only throw his heater every 5th pitch or it will tear up his arm and pitcher B is juiced, now he can throw that heater by the batter every 3rd pitch. Not to mention that the extra muscle can help him now throw that ball just a little bit harder. Yes of course he still needs to have accuracy and such and the roids do not help that but you can see how it does give him an unfair unadvantage in other areas
Drugs in Pro Sports!!! Next you will tell me that OJ killed somebody!! ;)

I heard that Chris Schoen had to take some Tylenol at Vegas after a rough night.... does that count? :D

Hey now, I wasn`t the one out `til all hours of the night, like someone I know! I was in bed by 10pm every night....I may have been passed out by 10, but I was still in bed by 10! :D
My parents used to put a little beer in my baby bottle. It was the only thing that would shut me up! Hmmmm....imagine that. I actually shut up at one point in my life. ;)
A little bourbon on the gums won't hurt a teething baby... mothers have been doing it for a looooonnnnngggg time....

Kelly, a sip of beer will help with colic... and relaxes the kid so they'll 'shut-up'... but I've found over the year beer makes grown females gabby, then... nope not gonna go there....

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