Nitro Member
I may not have read every post on here about this subject... So I'm not sure if anyone has said it yet!!
If cameras followed YOUR every move and caught the tone of YOUR every word... And YOU got the chance to watch yourself and see how you treat your family or customers or that guy on the street begging for a quarter... YOU might look at YOURSELF and say I can't believe I said or DID that... In the end, I think that MOM and pop and the girls are going to see what they have not seen, In themselves and in others as well... I consider them lucky... Not for what they have or don't have, but simply for the fact that they ALL can see the light and become a better person and family because of this show... Maybe you all should read my signature, and hopefully a few of you will get it... I am just sorry it took this show to make them all realize what is important... Take a good REAL hard look in the mirror every once in a while, and tell yourself... I'm going to be a better ? TODAY!!!
If cameras followed YOUR every move and caught the tone of YOUR every word... And YOU got the chance to watch yourself and see how you treat your family or customers or that guy on the street begging for a quarter... YOU might look at YOURSELF and say I can't believe I said or DID that... In the end, I think that MOM and pop and the girls are going to see what they have not seen, In themselves and in others as well... I consider them lucky... Not for what they have or don't have, but simply for the fact that they ALL can see the light and become a better person and family because of this show... Maybe you all should read my signature, and hopefully a few of you will get it... I am just sorry it took this show to make them all realize what is important... Take a good REAL hard look in the mirror every once in a while, and tell yourself... I'm going to be a better ? TODAY!!!