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Thread for July 24th's shows

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I may not have read every post on here about this subject... So I'm not sure if anyone has said it yet!!
If cameras followed YOUR every move and caught the tone of YOUR every word... And YOU got the chance to watch yourself and see how you treat your family or customers or that guy on the street begging for a quarter... YOU might look at YOURSELF and say I can't believe I said or DID that... In the end, I think that MOM and pop and the girls are going to see what they have not seen, In themselves and in others as well... I consider them lucky... Not for what they have or don't have, but simply for the fact that they ALL can see the light and become a better person and family because of this show... Maybe you all should read my signature, and hopefully a few of you will get it... I am just sorry it took this show to make them all realize what is important... Take a good REAL hard look in the mirror every once in a while, and tell yourself... I'm going to be a better ? TODAY!!!;)
My family migrated out of the dust bowl, and I always thought of that as Oklahoma? Anyhow, any news on episode 6 yet???
There are plenty of racing families out there (mine included) who load up spouses, the kids, even the family pets to go out to the races. As a family. The force girls didn't seem to have that and even then, to invite a television program into their lives to reconnect after something like that seems...insensire.
Insensire? WTF are you talking about anyway?
Nah a lightly clad female body zipping up a firesuit would hardly turn a 18 to 35 yr old males head.
Some things never change and using sex to sell anything still works like a champ.
You gals don't snicker either! You wan to talk about Favio!
Well I had to work Monday night but was waiting around for the rerun Tues. night like last week to no avail. The truckers didn't rerun the show for me Tues. night.
How dare them , they don't know who they are messing with. LOL
Yes she came across and gave 1/2 of her winnings to the "truck fund". That left her enough money to buy a purse.

I like how they made a big deal about her "first time in the money" and made it out like she won the race, when she lost in the 5th round. I'm sure the piddly little money she got for 5th round loser in super comp was in the ballpark of $50-$100. 1/2 of her money would probably barely put a tank of gas in the new truck, and buy her a wal mart purse :D :D
I like how they made a big deal about her "first time in the money" and made it out like she won the race, when she lost in the 5th round. I'm sure the piddly little money she got for 5th round loser in super comp was in the ballpark of $50-$100. 1/2 of her money would probably barely put a tank of gas in the new truck, and buy her a wal mart purse :D :D

You get 100 bucks for making 3rd round, 300 for 4th and I think 500 or 800 for 5th. I don't remember exactly.
As for Burk's Blast:
Just Wondering…After witnessing all of the pre-event hype and then actually watching the first two episodes of the reality show “Driving Force,” how can anyone at the NHRA, Ford Motor Company, British Petroleum, Auto Club of SoCal or the John Force camp believe a show that a portrays John as a curmudgeon whose wife threw him out of his house seven years ago for cheating on her, who evidently drinks beer during office hours to cope with stress, who doesn’t know his children and apparently doesn’t mind telling a million viewers and his daughters that he really wanted sons instead of daughters and who, given the opportunity, will drop his pants on national TV believe the show is good for drag racing?

Its great for Drag Racing. I have heard more people talking about NHRA in the last 2 weeks than I have in the last 20 years. As for saying he wanted sons, he wasnt saying it mean or anything. Some people need to wake up and quit taking everything so dang seriously.

Just Wondering… Which is the real John Force? The one who wrote the letter on the backside of the Driving Force cover of the July 14th National Dragster or the one I saw in the wretched “reality” show?

John Force is John Force. He never changes. Thats why he is great.

Just Wondering…I’ve been told that John Force gets $100,000 per episode for the show. If the letters we’ve gotten at DRO are any indication of the damage his public image has sustained as a result of that show, I wonder if he shouldn’t have held out for more money?

I hope he gets as much as he can for the show. I dont think his image has been hurt that bad. Granted he did come off a little overbearing in the first episode but with that being said I heard the girls were mad at the editing saying that its shows him alot worse than he really is. Which is exactly the point I think. Editing plays a big role with them trying to make the show have drama for people to come back and watch it. I wish him all the luck in the world.

Just Wondering…How many of the millions of viewers that saw the first two episodes will be watching the races on ESPN2 or buying tickets to a NHRA national event?

I would venture to say atleast 75% if not more currently attend National events, or have attended in the past. Personally I know several people who have NEVER went that cant wait to go now. Matter of fact, when I told them that HOuston wasnt until next year, they were mad. But THEY did a little research and came back to me with, "Yeah but Dallas is coming up in a month or so, can you go with us there.?"
ROAD TRIP!!!! Can you say 'convoy'? :D

I am ready!!! Cant wait. I havent been to Dallas in probably 5 years. I used to go every year but then I quit because Houston did have 2 races a year, and when that ended I never started going back to Dallas, but I am going this year unless something else comes up. Kel, I could only imagine watching a race with you on Sunday, especially if there was a Force/Capps matchup!!! With all the Houston area maters we need to get together one Sun night and watch the race together at a restuarant or something. Maybe the Monday of the US Nats.
Kel, I could only imagine watching a race with you on Sunday, especially if there was a Force/Capps matchup!!!
DUDE! Just ask my bf Daniel....he's a Force fan. I've had bragging rights more often than not this season, though. ;)

With all the Houston area maters we need to get together one Sun night and watch the race together at a restuarant or something. Maybe the Monday of the US Nats.
I am totally down with that! :D
We just need to get with everyone and make the date and place. I know my wife and I would come. I even have her sitting down and watching Driving Forces with me. She likes it. She became a Force fan last November at the Autorama when she met him. Thank God b/c I couldnt stand being married to anyone else!!!!! J/K. Several of my friends are DSR guys, and one in particular a Blazemore and WJ fan! Oh no, whats the world come too!!!
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