The Price Increase (1 Viewer)

StarLink Now $299

Hmm, didn't see that coming.

Does anyone know if they trade in nitromethane futures anywhere?
Don`t you know that it is going to chap Mr. Shoe off to pay that much when he has so much nitro.
Is this another dig at DSR? That is crazy! $900 to $1400/barrel. Just when you think the story can't get any more bizarre....then you get this! OYE. Stop the madness!!
This just screams WRONG in so many ways. I just can't believe they are doing this to the racers. Your the official supplier and you have a limited supply, and you raise the price as if it will help you find more? It's not like it cost you more to obtain it. Not to mention that you are forcing the smaller teams to spend even more. They are getting screwed at the pumps now just to make it to the show. I guess I won't be surprised when we start seeing announcements that teams are parking their cars for certain races because sponsorship money only goes so far.
"Gee, they have to buy from us, we only have so much, so let's bend them over some more. And don't forget to give the suits in Glendora their cut."

Absolutely disgusting........
Does anyone know if the NHRA get's a flat rate per gallon on a sale or if it is a percentage per gallon or if VP just pays an annual sponsor fee?
I have always supported products/sponsors that support Drag Racing, and VP has been one of them. But I am seriously considering switching as my way of protesting. I know they won't miss the $50 - $100 a month I spend, and they won't care that they lost me, but maybe, just maybe I will get an extra minute of sleep for it. Anyone know of Sunoco or Torco dealers in Phoenix that might want my money?
I have always supported products/sponsors that support Drag Racing, and VP has been one of them. But I am seriously considering switching as my way of protesting. I know they won't miss the $50 - $100 a month I spend, and they won't care that they lost me, but maybe, just maybe I will get an extra minute of sleep for it. Anyone know of Sunoco or Torco dealers in Phoenix that might want my money?

I know how you feel that your small sales loss won't amount to much and that it is just a drop in the bucket, but it is one less drop they will get. A lot of drops means lower sales maybe not now but later. Just my 2 cents.
Ya know, as much as I love fuel racing, I wouldn't mind all the boys and girls sitting out a race or two (with sponsor blessing, of course) to protest this case of highway robbery. It is now beyond my realm of comprehension.

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I see this as an opportunity for NHRA to step up and show that they do give a damn.

Either A stop the increase, doubtful that they can

or B cover the price difference. They know how much a team goes through on any given weekend. Cover that price difference.

If not last weekends short field in TF wont be the only one. Guys like Densham that are on a shoestring already may have just been priced out of the game.
Just curious much nitro does a Nostalgia Top Fueler or Nostalgia Funny Car consume on a good, clean pass? Less or more than an injected nitro dragster?

With the testing ban and teams taking steps to reduce consumption with the depleted supply, could we actually be faced with a true paradigm shift in nitro racing? What better way to reduce expenses when your costs begin to soar? Any sound economist will advise that in these situations a firm must take every step to operate more efficiently. In the case of racing in Top Fuel or Funny Car that sadly means burning less nitromethane in a given event.

This thought is painful but it seems as if simple economics will be the impetus in slowing down drag racing and thus reducing costs to the professional teams.'d think that safety would have been the spark.

Single mag, small pump, small blower, less wing, less clutch? These days could be closer than you think.
If not last weekends short field in TF wont be the only one. Guys like Densham that are on a shoestring already may have just been priced out of the game.

And the low budget guys who only hit the regional races might park their stuff. Between the diesel prices and this insane jump in nitro prices, that might have done them in for this season.
I think this would be the best time for Pro to challenge NHRA on this!
This is an extortion/collusion case if I ever saw one! :cool:
Notify all sponsors get organized and sit out until some concrete changes are made!
It might give the sport a black eye but it can’t keep going on it’s progressively getting worse as I see it.

I like that supply and demand part.....they already know what they have, what is coming, and how long it will last. And I'm sure they have already previously negotiated the price on the stuff in transit. So this sounds like a big cornholing by VP/NHRA. (Sorry about the corn derogatory corn reference T-Nebraski!!:D)
No problem, Alan, but I certainly appreciate the disclaimer!!!:D
I think this would be the best time for Pro to challenge NHRA on this!
This is an extortion/collusion case if I ever saw one! :cool:
Notify all sponsors get organized and sit out until some concrete changes are made!
It might give the sport a black eye but it can’t keep going on it’s progressively getting worse as I see it.

What exactly does PRO do? I know what the drivers organization did back in the 60's but certainly am clueless, so what's new, as to their function?

And a $500 increase in price for product already in hand makes these guys a bigger bend the customer over the old hitching post than Exxon-Mobil. But, I'll bet we only know half the story as usual and that guy who always lets us know that but never fills in the other half might want to pipe in.
I know this will certainly hit the smaller teams and independent drivers very hard and quickly. However, it will also hit the bigger, multi-car teams. Believe me, they are feeling a pinch with the cost of diesel. I assume these added expenses were not in the year budget, at least not this sharp of an increase in such a short time. Forbes predicted (earlier in the year) diesel to hit $4.00 a gallon by summer, and that happened well before summer. Diesel is near $5.00 a gallon in many areas, and that is just to get to the races. Even though they (the multi-car teams) have more funding, it isn't unlimited. This high cost of diesel in addition to the nitro needed, multiplied by 3 or 4 cars, isn't that easy for them either, and I know there are many in house changes being made because of it. I realize the little teams are hit the hardest first, but don't kid yourself. The multi-car teams are also going to feel this ridiculous increase, and probably sooner than you would think.
Ways To Support Nitromater

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