The new Internet Explorer (2 Viewers)


Nitro Member
Has anyone else upgraded and if so are you having troubles on here ?
I have found that if I look at a thread and after new post are added I have to refresh that thread to see new post.
If anyone knows a setting I can change please let me know,This is getting very old.:(
I installed Vista Saturday (which includes IE7), and have had no problems at all. Did you do an upgrade from version 6? Was it fully patched prior to the upgrade? Did you elect to migrate settings?

All I'm trying to say is that for me thusfar, the site functions the same way it did before so I suspect the problem lies somewhere in your configuration or in the upgrade process (if that is what you did).
What are your thoughts on Vista, Ted?

From what I've looks like they copied OS X for the
What are your thoughts on Vista, Ted?

From what I've looks like they copied OS X for the
I know you told me you had a couple (few) mac's.

Your input among other factors is what caused me to go Mac (and never go back:D ). I have a iMac G5 and its plenty for what I need.

I never have a problem with Safari.

I can't stand using explorer, it's so damned archaic.

I do tech support and a lot of people have issues with using IE 7. Most of the time it's because they install it when their antivirus is running (or expired) and/or their PC is infected with spyware/adware.

I installed it and still prefer Firefox.

And I love how Micro$haft calls IE 7 "safer," safer my ass! People are still at risk for malware even with IE 7! I have been using Firefox for 2 years and I never got a virus.
Well first off I had the Microsoft update prompt tell me that the update was needed,I didn't go looking for it.
My Norton was on and is not expired.
The only thing I can remember different was the phishing filter.
Still confused.:rolleyes:
I upgraded a week ago and have no problems at all. I really enjoy the more clear fonts and the extra tabs at the top. It does take some time to get used to everything being moved around a bit
There is a browsing history settings button on the General tab under the Tools|Internet Options dropdown. Make sure it's set to check for a new copy each time it visits a web page - that should refresh the page automatically instead of using the cached copy if the page has changed.

I normally use FireFox and can't even find that setting, so I think that's the FireFox default mode.
When I first upgraded, it was incredibly slow for me. I went to the microsoft site & there was already an update available to resolve issues with the phishing filter. After that download, IE7 worked just fine.
I have noticed a probelm witn two sites using IE7. one is and the other is a local TV stations site. On I can not access any of the videos. It will not allow me to access any link that uses their video player. Any other link is fine. Basically if the link is for java on that site it will not work. The local TV site come up with a big blank box. I think it may be related to the CNN issue as it seems tthat it should be some sort of video box. Other sites that have video do work such as and

Other than that I do like the new features in IE7.
It's different and took some getting used to because of the new layout, but so far I've had ZERO issues. :)
I haven't used Internet Exploder since Firefox came out.

And on the Mac..IE gave up several years ago..not even being developed for Mac anymore. Safari rules.
Larry,Thanks I think that was the issue.I didn't even know that was a new setting,I guess I should poke around a little more to check more of the default settings.
Again thanks for everyone's input.
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