Nitro Member
How will this movie help the NHRA? This is a history lesson.
That's like saying the movie "Rudy" was good for college football.
This movie will cater to existing fans of the sport, not encourage new ones. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
"Rudy" was VERY good for Notre Dame ... merchandising sales went up ... enrollment went up and it positioned their brand so that it is somewhat feasible for them to remain an independent in football and negotiate their own lucrative TV deal, because EVERYONE coast to coast know Notre Dame football ... and "Rudy" had a hand in that.
There is not much point in making this movie for the limited audience fans of Drag Racing could bring. That would be terrible box office to say the least. However, if even 1 out of a thousand who see the movie set foot at a dragstrip, it is nothing but positive. I am not predicting a huge surge in popularity based off this movie alone, but I can hold out hope that there will be tangible benefits for the sport we love.