Sort of on topic due to Brian last post.
True story, we repaired a guys Ford Fiestiva a few years ago. The man wanted to go for a test drive before he paid for us for doing body work on his rear hatch. I suppose in his universe that makes sense. We went for a drive and he was telling me how he bought this car new yada yada yada,,,I said, "Well it sure is a nice little car for you." I shoulda known better than to say anything at all.
He went into a 10-minute long deal about how even though he agreed with me on this car,,,,The Yugo he had before this car was a fantastic car. He just couldn't belive they didn't sell them anymore. They were such high quality and just the perfect car!!!
I was laughing so hard at how convinced what he was saying was true I dang near rolled the Festiva. He probably would have made me build him a Yogo to replace it!

Back to this weeks Skuza thread,
Rapid {Not a Yugo Fan} in Iowa
PS, Suzie I don't believe you!!!!!!!!