Bullard Anderson
Nitro Member
? Who's the leader in FC points! ? 

Personally he should have let the damn thing go into the sand traps. But that's just me....
Here's where all the keyboard crewchiefs and Gameboy race car drivers get in trouble.
Poor ol' Cappsie. He can't win for losing. Not only is he catching it for trying to stop his car from hurting someone.....but his boxing skills have been up for public ridicule!
At least his driving abilities are OK with everyone. You can't attack that with 5 wins this season (which ties a season best). Oh, wait. I forgot.....wins are all due to the Crew Chief!
This board should be called the MICRO MATER because some people micro-analyze EVERYTHING to death that happens in the NHRA, then give their "expert" opinions about what should have happened. Give RC a break, he had maybe 2 seconds to make a critical decision.
This board should be called the MICRO MATER because some people micro-analyze EVERYTHING to death that happens in the NHRA, then give their "expert" opinions about what should have happened. Give RC a break, he had maybe 2 seconds to make a critical decision.
Here's where all the keyboard crewchiefs and Gameboy race car drivers get in trouble.
Here are some facts to chew on.
Ron's chute didn't properly deploy.
Ron got after the brakes pretty hard to get it stopped. Seattle is one of the longer tracks, but he still heated the brakes up.
As he made the turn he still had brakes. But as the car slowed to a stop the fluid finally boiled. When it did, he had no brakes. There is no way to predict when or even if that's going to happen.
He was not out of control when he made the turn so why would he "let the damn thing go into the sand traps." Imagine telling Don Schumacher and Ed McCullough "I thought the brakes were going to go out, but they were fine, so I went in to the sand." Duh.
He simply lost his brakes at the last possible moment. If you want to get upset about something go turn on the news.
Back to work.
As far as fining Ron, is there a rule about remaining in the car until stopped? I remember a thread a year or 2 ago discussing this, TF drivers standing up while moving, PS drivers removing their helmets and gloves, etc. Either it is a rule or it isn't, and if it is you apply it to everyone or no one. So what do the rules say?
I dunno...maybe he shoulda reached in the glove box and grabbed the NHRA rule book to see what it says. I'm sure it doesn't say "Head for the Matco Tools Dragster parked in the way" when you boil the brake fluid.