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Reflections of Eric-

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When I got home from the Gators Sunday night, I watched a tape of the broadcast. After Ashley hit the wall, she was standing out of her car at the top end watching her car get taken care of, and I 'm pretty sure Eric was standing next to her talking to her. (who else has hair like that :-))

I just thought that was cool how he was there for her at that moment, when I could see she was feeling pretty down.
I don't know why , it seems like not such a big deal , but it made an impression on me at the time.

I saw it too and thought the same thing. John was talking about Ashley needing to deal with things like that with out his interference. When I saw the two of them together I remember thinking that what ever Eric was saying to her at that time would make much more of a difference then if John had rushed up the track and said the exact same thing. I have always though that Ashely and Eric had a special brother sister relationship in some things that I saw on TV.
I was very fortunate to get to know Eric a litttle. I meet him when I was working for the Johnson family. He was a person that always would say hi and ask how you where doing. I can not remember a time when he ever complained about being on the road are not being able to go home. He got to do what he loved and not to many people get that oppurtunity. When I left drag racing for 3 years and came back, the first time i saw him he greated me with a big smile and he said he was glad to see me even though i had not talked to him in years. He was a good man and a great driver that loved what he was doing. I do not know if his family will read this but i want to thank them for raising such a wonderful person, they should be very proud. He will always be remembered as a great person and driver. I pray for all of team force, his family and freinds. I cant wait to see him with Jimmie Nix , Blaine Johson, Darrel Russell, Fuzzy Carter, and Smiley, we miss you Eric
Besides the fact that every year at Sonoma Eric always had an ear-to-ear smile, I always laugh when I think about the episode of 'Driving Force' last year when John and Eric go to the spa, and Eric wins Sonoma.
I never met Eric in person, but the way his personality came through the television, I felt like I knew him.

When Eric first started driving for John Force, I thought he was trying to be too much like Force with his interviews and stuff. But as time went on, I realized that much like Force, Eric just had a great zest and passion for what he was doing. I started out not being a great big fan, but have become a HUGE fan of Eric's. He was one of the ones I really rooted for on Sunday's. It's ironic. The very thing that made me initially skeptical about this kid, is the same thing that made me grow to love him over the years. So much for that first impression crap, huh! :D

I feel like I've lost a friend......
Like almost everyone, I am still sitting here in shock. I thought Eric was going to be visiting the track next month, that there would be this huge lineup of well-wishers and he would be standing there with that big Eric smile that everyone is talking about. Well I hoped and prayed this would be true. I have met him on a few occasions and it is true, you could tell he was having the time of his life and sadly his life was too short. The world needs more Eric Medlins. It would be a much better place.
Rest in peace, my friend. Godspeed.
I never met or talked to Eric. But I vividly remember seeing him in Denver last summer in the pits. It was a VERY hot day. I remember for some reason rather than jump in the air-conditioned van, or zooming by on a pit bike, he would walk through the crowd to the staging lanes for each run all weekend. He had his suit on, stopping, talking to fans, carrying a sharpie.... he had that kind of "cowboy" strut, walking so proudly .... and of course the hair..... and an endless smile. He looked so... innocent... sort of like he'd never been in the pits before, taking it all in and enjoying every minute of it. If someone called his name, he stopped in his tracks to greet them. People like Eric Medlen are what makes NHRA drag racing so great.
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im still in such shock over this. i guess we all can say that we were lucky enough to see eric do what he loved to do best. and that we were lucky enough to see him and that aweosme smile and personality on tv for each event, and some of us got to meet him in person, i will always treasure my picture i got with him @ e- town in 04. the thing i will remember most except for his smile was his ability to get out of a race car faster than anyone i ever saw! if he was in trouble hed be out of that car while the car was still going probably 30 mph. what a great racer, person and son to his dad! godspeed eric god bless you! tearfully, jeff.

Eric was a great guy and a real competitor. Here is a picture of Eric in his tux at the 2004 NHRA Awards banquet, not his usual attire but with his trademark smile! Our hearts go out to the Medlen family and the entire JFR organization. Rest in Peace Eric, We will miss you.

The Arend Family
Jeff, Windy and Jenna
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Just as everybody else, I will miss Eric. He seemed to be taking after his team boss! His interveiws were great. My heart goes out to John Medlin. As a parent I feel for him. John, I would put my kid in a car "chiefed" by you any time. God bless.
A photo I took of Eric at Sonoma 2004. What a vibrant and friendly guy. Rest in God's peace Eric.

During Saturday’s first session at this year’s Gators, my buddy and I were standing at the spectator-side fence next to the track waiting for another oil-down to be cleaned up. Eric Medlin just out of the blue comes walking down the fence shaking hands and signing autographs. The lady beside me had a JF jacket that Force had already signed—Medlin signed it and posed for a couple of pictures with her too. It made her day. He wasn’t rehearsed and “robotic”—just a nice guy who seemed to really like doing that sort of thing. And fifteen or so minutes later, as the clean-up was nearing completion, I leaned out and looked down the fence-line, and he was still walking the fence just meeting people.

What a nice guy—he’ll be missed.
I'm still devastated about all this..but for what ever reason..I'll feel better tomorrow, I think. Seeing all of Eric's smiles..his willingness to go beyond the regular driver, etc..kind of makes me realize he wouldn't want me sitting here feeling punched in the stomach.

I'll grieve for a while longer..but I'll be able to smile just around the corner..and that comes from Eric's smile & charm..and I can picture him being the rock if it happened to someone else.

Thanks for everything, Eric.
I just came across these pics taken by a young Australian kid, who was lucky enough to be at Eric's debut race, I asked if he minded me posting them here, and he was fine with it, I think these two pics really capture the kind of guy Eric was...




Mike, thank you for posting these. Look at Eric's wonderfully goofy smile and sense of humor coming thru the pic. They are wonderfully soothing.
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I met Eric last year at Maple Grove. During the event, I walked back to the pits (I was working the race, took a break) and just stood there and watched Eric interact with the kids, talking to people and I was too intimidated to approach him (don't know why) I just stood there and watched, with his card in my hand. Finally, he said to me, "Are you going to just stand there all day or let me sign that thing for you?" and flashed that beautiful smile! We had a good laugh, talked a bit and I went back to work....

As sad as I feel now, I have to smile remembering that moment. His smile makes me smile..
Similar story to Chris's above. At the Houston race last year we were in the Powerade truck waiting for a brief cleanup when Eric just walks up to say "Hey!" to all of us. Checked our belts to make sure we were cinched up and shared that trademark smile.
I've seen a lot of comments about some kind of tribute for Eric at the Houston race next week. For my part I'm just going to make it a point to share a smile with everyone. As David and Cheryl said, I think just about everyone can think of something about Eric that would make them smile too.
So if some stranger you've never even met before flashes you a big goofy smile next weekend be sure to pass it along, you never know when you might not get another chance.....

The pictures and stories have been wonderful...
I want to share an experience that my sister had just yesterday... We live 15 minutes from where Eric was Born and Raised... She went to a biker show up in the mountains that run through Oakdale, Ca. She went past Eric's Uncle Steve's restuarant, and expected to see flowers or signs, a memorial of some sort... Nothing!! She stopped in to have a drink at the local bar there, a mile down the road... And asked the woman bartender if she knew Eric's Uncle... Of course she replied, my sister asked her why there no mention of Eric in town... The woman asks what she meant; my sister proceeds to tell the woman that Eric had passed on Friday... She said, OMG I have not heard a word about this... I will have to call my husband and let him know... Now, if the local bar does not know about this terrible event happening to one of their own... I believe we need to show our support and share the lose we have all gone through this week, with as many as possible... I am just saying, the town of Oakdale is two miles long, end to end... Keep the reflections of Eric, up front and alive...
I got to know Eric when he started working for JFR and I was writing for National Speed Sport News and Fast News Network. I have known his dad since the late 1980's when I was working for Chuck Etchells/Paul Smith.
When Eric was building his chopper which he later sold to buy some more seat time the team were living in Force's Brownsburg house. He was trying to put the bike together in the barn at the house with limited tools and making repeated trips to my shop to use the mill and lathe. Eventually I told him to just bring the bike to the shop and finish it there. He did and we spent the better part of that week having a good time at the shop as it was hard not to have fun with him around.
This photo was taking at last year's pre US Nationals test session while we were hanging out behind the start line. For those of you unfamiliar with the fourth face it is Shawn Langdon who was using Morgan Lucas' alky car to upgrade his licence that day.

Keith Burgan
aka The Roo Man
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