Nitro Member
I think Don has a lot of support from his sponsors...
Wished ALL sponsors were like Jim...

I think Don has a lot of support from his sponsors...
It's all good, Par..and don't you even think twice about voicing your opinion here.A good thing too. Please don't take any offense as none was meant. I'm just a guest here and don't want to stir things up, I get in enough problems as it is over here.
English is not my first language so nuances get lost. Point was: I agree with your post, your point of view and I could have been more straightforward myself.
? if the nitro was stored at LVMS during a national why is it they were not fined.
? if the nitro was stored at LVMS during a national why is it they were not fined.
They knew better than go up against Bruton. After he got through with them- he might own NHRA for just the legal fees!? if the nitro was stored at LVMS during a national why is it they were not fined.
They knew better than go up against Bruton. After he got through with them- he might own NHRA for just the legal fees!
LOL.........I wish the NHRA did go against Bruton also, then the NHRA would need a sign on their front door that reads "under new ownership".![]()
I love the sport and give props to the NHRA for keeping it going- but I hate all this political bull$hit!
Amen Alan. If I didn't have such immense respect for Wally Parks and all that he stood for and created I would suggest that we change the name of the trophy to the "DILBERT" because it symbolizes the corporate ineptitude that the racer has overcome to win.
Thanks for the link, Brian. Three sentences. Sure beats press releases trying to make a first round loss seem interesting, anyway.
Anything on NHRA.COM? I did a cursory seach over there and came up empty.
The dumb part about the trophy is that it ain't Wally. It doesn't even look like Wally. The man who posed for the trophy is actually former Top Gas racer Jack Jones. Those of us who have been around for a while have always reffered to it as an "Oscar". Does anybody know why all of a sudden they started calling it a "Wally"? It's been an Oscar as long as I can remember.
I do not know where Competition Plus got a copy of DSR' letter that was sent to NHRA but it refers to all of the facts in this issue.