Buzzz Miller
We just need to start an alliance of people who really know. People that really know how to successfully run a business. And more importantly, people who really care about our sport for a change. Get Bruton to buy the IHRA with people and deals in place with the likes of DSR and JFR. Bruton understands this stuff and will place people who understand both business and racing in authority. He has the connections and reputation to get the TV deals, etc. Get leaders of our sport in ownership and long term sponsors like Don or Jim in an organization similar to PRO but have the IHRA willing to listen to them. (Maybe having voting rights for decision making??) Get the Bruton tracks running IHRA A.S.A.P. When the IHRA gets the Major teams, others will follow as the TV packages, sponsorships, etc will follow. It will take time and have growing pains, but could pay off huge in the future. Then just watch the minds that know and care squeeze out those who play by 2nd grade sandbox rules.
I know it is just a dream. But sometimes you just have to dream. Like the thought of buying my new Red "DSLR Killer"
I know it is just a dream. But sometimes you just have to dream. Like the thought of buying my new Red "DSLR Killer"
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