Nitro, the real story........ (2 Viewers)

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I'm willing to bet that if it ever got to the point where teams weren't competing because they couldn't get enough Nitro, NHRA would blink! As of now I bet they're betting that the supply will hold out through the end of the year. Even as the price keeps going up, the teams are still out there racing!
Don't worry... The Olympics will be over soon after they start, then China can get back to the S.O.P. business-at-hand of revving up all those businesses that they have put on "hiatus" so that they can get their pollution levels down and make their brown skies an interesting shade of aqua...:rolleyes:

That includes the refineries that drum up our lifeblood... Nitro in the COSCO sea containers by September boys- bet on it..
I'm willing to bet that if it ever got to the point where teams weren't competing because they couldn't get enough Nitro, NHRA would blink! As of now I bet they're betting that the supply will hold out through the end of the year. Even as the price keeps going up, the teams are still out there racing!

And right there is where the entire problem lies, Joe! Someone at NHRA needs their a$$ kicked up between their ears if this is truly what's going on.

Sean D
I think that if there wasn't the big show over there VP would still have a Nitro shortage.
WEGO was one of their major suppliers but has cut them off, but Steve can still get Nitro and sell it at a reasonable cost. WEGO's refusal to deal with VP has nothing to so with the Olympics and every thing to do with economics.
And right there is where the entire problem lies, Joe! Someone at NHRA needs their a$$ kicked up between their ears if this is truly what's going on.

Sean D

This would just be reason #195 why these people at NHRA need their a$$ kicked up between their ears Sean!!!

Thx for the Inside scoop Bobby!

I think the A/Fuel cars are the ones who will be dropping out first. There were only 7 dragsters at the Woodburn Points Meet. The ridiculous price of nitro, along with gas/diesel is making it impossible for these guys to make it even close to worthwhile. If NHRA had any brains, they'd play with them!
Let's hope those other rumors of the shortage continueing because of a shortage of fertilizer for the farming industry are not true.
I heard it from a chemical salesman so I would not dismiss it outright.
This country imports most of it's aggracultural chemicals these days.

My own view is as high as the price is for the racing version I think it will be made available.

Hell's Angus rebuilt the little refinery in Sterlington La. that used to make it , maybe NHRA or VP should approach them about securing a domestic sourse again.

I see the point that food takes presidence over entertainment but for the price I'll bet you can have both.
I think that if there wasn't the big show over there VP would still have a Nitro shortage.
WEGO was one of their major suppliers but has cut them off, but Steve can still get Nitro and sell it at a reasonable cost. WEGO's refusal to deal with VP has nothing to so with the Olympics and every thing to do with economics.

Exactly. And the outcry from having the season literaly hijacked by one company will open the door to "extended" non-sponsor oriented participation by outside companies.

The cancelation of Monday TnT and the limitation of race-day warmups on pop (terribly minor amounts in play, FYI) along with the "threat" to fall season's competition schedule due to the "shortage" could be rectified within weeks of the R.O.C. going back to business as usual.
What's really sad, is that in the big scheme of things, for NHRA we're not really talking about alot of money for them to shoot themselves in the foot? It's just pure greed, (and stupidity).

For the teams, it's a huge increase in operating expenses, especially the lower funded teams, talk about biting the hand that feeds them.:rolleyes:
Don't worry... The Olympics will be over soon after they start, then China can get back to the S.O.P. business-at-hand of revving up all those businesses that they have put on "hiatus" so that they can get their pollution levels down and make their brown skies an interesting shade of aqua...:rolleyes:

Actually this week the air in the vicinity of the Olympics was worse than usual. It seems the Chinese can't get the wind to blow in a direction that is favorable to them. I guess for the Chinese, the answer to clean air is blowin' in the wind. (Sorry, couldn't resist the Dylan reference.) pollution&st=cse
I think the A/Fuel cars are the ones who will be dropping out first. There were only 7 dragsters at the Woodburn Points Meet. The ridiculous price of nitro, along with gas/diesel is making it impossible for these guys to make it even close to worthwhile. If NHRA had any brains, they'd play with them!

Right On Pat! At least allow the injected car to buy from other sources like LaSeuwer and Wego. The problem is regardless who they buy from they legally can't get more that 44 gallons at a time or risk big fines. This law is making criminals of a few honest racers out there. One racer couldn't compete at Woodurn because he couldn't get any nitro and it also disrupted a nostalgia race when half the field didn't show up for the same reason.
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The problem is regardless who they buy from they legally can't get more that 44 gallons at a time or risk big fines.

That's not quite correct,
the DHS amount is 400# not gallons, also you can have any amount after you fill out the paperwork ,and receive a registration number.
We have over 200 gallons in the shop. There is a nice man with a shop in Indy helping out the non "big show" racers.
The drums are also 100% instead of 90.
The DHS told us it would be two or three years before they would inspect our site.
There are no fines at this time. This program is just getting started, and is understaffed for the amount of users involved.
Pay attention to the posts of Thomas Sweeney and Jerry Newman. I believe Mr. Sweeney is spot-on. This is about money, not availability. Mssrs. Schumacher and LeSeur have proven that nitro is readily available -- IF you have the ability to pay for it.

I'm going to assume that the Jerry Newman here on 'Mater is the same guy I knew from Wisconsin years ago. This guy has vast experience in fuel racing, and lived for years in the Far East and knows the culture and business climate in that region of the world far better than I, and he, too, talks about how readily available nitromethane is.

Here's a hypothetical to think about in relation to the so-called nitro "shortage:" Imagine if Goodyear was suddenly faced with the world-wide labor action that resulted in all of the their plants being shut down for, let's say, three months. Now imagine that the supply of car and truck tires was still sufficient to meet most needs, but there were NO tires for Top Fuel and Funny Car. Now let's also imagine that there had been a couple of on-track "incidents" involving tires because teams were trying to make too many runs on them to make 'em last longer.

Now imagine that someone like Hoosier Tire contacts NHRA and says, "Hey! We have tires for T/F and F/C!"

Isn't it likely that NHRA would sit down with Goodyear and say, "We acknowledge our exclusivity contract with your for T/F and F/C tires, but you're unable to deliver the product. Further, our drivers are at risk trying to run the tires they have for too long. We have to continue racing. We can't afford to stop, nor can we afford to let anyone get injured. So, until you can deliver an unlimited supply of tires we're going to accept the offer from Hoosier. When and if you're able to continue supplying tires we will re-negotiate our contract with you, because we're not going to simply say 'Thanks and good-bye' to Hoosier, because they're helping us out in a time of need."

Something like that COULD happen, despite how unlikely it might seem right now.

Well, isn't that what's been going on, to some extent, with nitro? It's out there and readily available. We found several sources capable of almost immediate delivery IF we could pay for it (and the prices were VERY fair), and it only took us an hour or two to find them on the Internet.

In my OPINION -- and it's a personal opinion only and not necessarily a reflection of the views of anyone else at -- the price increases that have come down from the official supplier are unconscionable at best, and at the very least are extremely questionable, yet nothing is being done.

NHRA continues to stand by VP as their official supplier.

The competitors -- the very people who put on the shows we support and want to see -- are paying the price for this and again, in my opinion, it could be circumvented if NHRA would act like the "stewards of the sport" they regularly declare themselves to be.

And with this message I will continue to be branded as anti-NHRA, but like it or not, the truth hurts.

Jon Asher
Senior Editor
the price increases that have come down from the official supplier are unconscionable at best, and at the very least are extremely questionable, yet nothing is being done.

NHRA continues to stand by VP as their official supplier.

The competitors -- the very people who put on the shows we support and want to see -- are paying the price for this and again, in my opinion, it could be circumvented if NHRA would act like the "stewards of the sport" they regularly declare themselves to be.

And with this message I will continue to be branded as anti-NHRA, but like it or not, the truth hurts.

Jon Asher
Senior Editor

You can like him, or lump him, but this flat a$$ says it all right here.


Sean D
Within the last few months, there have been post ranging from the Schumacher /NHRA problem, to the shortage of nitro, the quality of nitro, and now to the price of nitro. How about NHRA suppling all the nitro for FREE to the constants. This way NHRA gives the participants a purse increase by them not having the cost to purchase any fuel and NHRA has total and complete control over the quality and quantity of the product.

Ron Pellegrini
i have a product for sale
i have almost a monopoly agreement to sell my product for unforseeable future
i have raised my price exhorbatantly
i can't get more product but others in similar or same line of work can

seems like a money problem to me
time for nitro supply plan B
Funny how Alan Reinhart,Greg Moon, Tony Barker and all the other NHRA brown nosers haven't chimed in on this topic.
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Funny how Alan Rheinhart,Gregg Moon, Tony Barker and all the other NHRA brown nosers haven't chimed in on this topic.
NHRA Brownnoser? Is that kind of crap necessary? I don't know what the answer is, and neither does anyone else, or the problem would be solved. And, its Greg, with one g on the end.
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