Nitro Member
Now THAT sounds like a plan! Don't forget to wear the magic hat to Sears Point! I got it all fixed up for ya!
Representing the Allmand Bros!!!!
Now THAT sounds like a plan! Don't forget to wear the magic hat to Sears Point! I got it all fixed up for ya!
. If you need nitromethane I will be happy to direct you to where you can purchase your own container.
Not that the Dem's aren't responsible for a lot of things such as no drilling for more oil, but how are they responsible for the nitro shortage?
Just wait 2 more Months, then all hell will break loose with new drilling and uncapping of old wells, the people will not stand still much longer
YouTube - 3 Ways to Lower Gas Prices
I wish that were true Ross. However, this insanity has been brewing for many, many months now and still no reprieve. I still see more single occupant vehicles traveling up and down the highways and biways of my state. Today I saw motor homes, boats, motorcycles, you name it en route to the nearest lake or recreational facility or other out of town facility.
Until we are willing to make the sacrifices necessary to park our toys for awhile, stay home for all three meals, and buy locally produced gasoline, what compelling reason do the big oil companies have to reduce their price?
The federal and state governments are making more on a gallon of gasoline sold than the oil producers.
For the most part, we are spoiled rotten kids who talk the big talk but never walk the walk so to speak. We continue our bad habits, rarely making strategic sacrifices for the better good.
Everyone needs to take this crisis a bit more seriously. I for one plan on staying home more, attending the races at my local track and basically reducing my consumption
of energy.
If everyone would vote out the incumbents and basically give the big oil companies the finger by parking their vehicles we may have a chance.
Until then I am not going to hold my breath!
Sorry for the rant. Could'nt resist!
I think people are cutting back but i tell you now they will not stop going to the lake or places they like to visit but just not as many times as before and we don't want them too. The people at the lake and tourist spots need business or they will be out of work. Our so-called friends in the middle east have had this plan for us for sometime now. The Dem's need to get their butts back to work and pass the energy bill and we won't need their oil anymore, hopefully they will choke on whats left.