You're missing the point. In the long run, altering your lifestyle will make no difference. You might delay yourself or someone else getting sick or dying to some degree, but for the most part it's going to happen absent a vaccine. As much as you want to be Ralph Wiggum and say "I'm helping!," the fact is your actions will have little long term benefit, while significantly degrading quality of life in the short term.
The only thing that changes the calculus is a vaccine. If we knew for example, that a vaccine would be available in a relatively short timeframe (like a month), ok. At least you have a reasonable endgame there. If pro-maskers would at least frame it in those terms there would be an opportunity for legitimate discussion. As some other posts have alluded to, there might be something cooking in that regard. You tell me "hey, if this vaccine works, we're pretty sure we will know and start production within the next 60 days- could you wear a mask for that long?," I might be willing to consider it. But the idea that we should take these precautions until a vaccine is developed no matter what, even if it's years, is insane and unreasonable. As is the idea that the precautions in and of themselves can stop the virus- they can not and will not. The ONLY value in masks, distancing, and the like is to buy time, but there has to be some indication that there is something out there worth buying time for, and not just postponing the inevitable.