I am VERY glad he is dead, as for the easiest way to kill a snake is to cut off his head ... but he still won. Trillions spent, and don't kid yourself, trillions more will be spent in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Libya and whatever the next Al Qaeda hotspot du jour is. Thousands of our citizens and soldiers killed and thousands more will be killed. Unprecedented loss of personal freedoms which we will NEVER get back.
Tonight I will raise a glass for a job well done to our brave soldiers and hope they can come home soon. But we know that won't happen ...
This is so totally not drag racing related but burn in hell Bin Laden!!!!!!The ******* is finally dead!!!!
i can't believe how blind some of you are. Your worst enemy is in your own backyard... Ill stop there, because some of you think fox news is the bible on all truths.
Amen Brother......Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you,
Jesus Christ and the American G. I.
One died for your soul; the other for your freedom.
In God We Trust
Please, please, PLEASE let's not let this thread devolve into a septic pool. It's great that this long needed mission is accomplished, but please let's not start a political thread here.
I can't believe how blind some of you are. Your worst enemy is in your own backyard... Ill stop there, because some of you think Fox News is the bible on all truths.
i can't believe how blind some of you are. Your worst enemy is in your own backyard... Ill stop there, because some of you think fox news is the bible on all truths.
I can't believe how blind some of you are. Your worst enemy is in your own backyard... Ill stop there, because some of you think Fox News is the bible on all truths.