Is Evan Knoll in BIG TROUBLE? (2 Viewers)

I had heard a similar story about 3 weeks ago, now it appears what I heard as a rumor was correct. Bankruptcy was also mentioned when I was told. Interesting what wasn't mentioned was his health. Very sad story for a lot of people.
I'm not going to use another forum as the source for this.

It may be true..but I'll wait for something official.
I will take the high road on this one. I just feel bad for the guys like Doug Foley where the perceived agreement with Torco has had a negative impact on the teams. I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason and that everyone who was impacted by the Torco pullout will be better off in the long run.
If Torco files for Bankruptcy then any cars sponsored by Torco be involved as well? They are considered assets?
Perhaps Evan pulled out of dragracing to protect any cars/owners from goverment recoarse?
Just a thought
It wouldn't effect any cars he sponsored as they have nothing to do with his business. Probably not even the team he owned. I'm sure his racing team was set up as a separate business enterprise. Unless, of course, there were improprieties with the race team also.

I'll reserve all judgement until there is something official released.

No offense, but since this story is on a sight sponsored by the company in question it still makes one wonder what's really going on.

One thing is for sure, rumors like this only add a negative effect to any company's ability to conduct profitable business. If they are experiencing trouble these rumors will only make things worse.
That surprises me...He sounded like a well rounded business man with all those F-bombs and Offers of fist fights to anyone who wanted to take him on. Feel bad for the racers and tracks who counted on this thug but anyone who thought this dude could spend like he was forever was seriously lying to themselfs. if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck.. its probably a duck! lol brewsters

This is kinda like when rick hendrick was in trouble for fraud with honda and the honda executives when to prison and rick got home arrest due to sudden illness.......
That surprises me...He sounded like a well rounded business man with all those F-bombs and Offers of fist fights to anyone who wanted to take him on. Feel bad for the racers and tracks who counted on this thug but anyone who thought this dude could spend like he was forever was seriously lying to themselfs. if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck.. its probably a duck! lol brewsters

This is kinda like when rick hendrick was in trouble for fraud with honda and the honda executives when to prison and rick got home arrest due to sudden illness.......

I thought I read somewhere that it was someone else posing as him on that reply.
That surprises me...He sounded like a well rounded business man with all those F-bombs and Offers of fist fights to anyone who wanted to take him on.

This is kinda like when rick hendrick was in trouble for fraud with honda and the honda executives when to prison and rick got home arrest due to sudden illness.......

I remember that outrageous response from Knoll. I've never heard or read a business owner's response as bizare as that one.

It didn't smell right then, and it certainly doesn't smell right now.
That surprises me...He sounded like a well rounded business man with all those F-bombs and Offers of fist fights to anyone who wanted to take him on. Feel bad for the racers and tracks who counted on this thug but anyone who thought this dude could spend like he was forever was seriously lying to themselfs. if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck.. its probably a duck! lol brewsters

I'm not surprised by all this, though I'm very saddened. If you're his "friend" on MySpace, then you see the bulletins he puts out, about every other day or so, about "I'll get you back stabber", and "sh!t talkers will pay", and so on. It's funny to watch this great entrepeneur and huge millionaire act like a total baby. We've seen this a thousand times in various forms of motorsports. Bottomless pockets always hit rock bottom, and the biggest losers are the racers and the race fans.
If Torco files for Bankruptcy then any cars sponsored by Torco be involved as well? They are considered assets?
Perhaps Evan pulled out of dragracing to protect any cars/owners from goverment recoarse?
Just a thought

If the cars are owned by the teams, they would not be an asset. The sponsorship is a fee paid to use another person's property as a marketing vehicle, the same way that an advertiser pays for space in a magazine.

Now, if there were some kind of agreement that gives the sponsor an interest in the car, there might be a problem. For example, if a sponsor pays a team $1 million to serve as its marketing partner and the team used that money to buy a car, the team owns the car and it would not be a sponsor asset. But if part of the agreement calls for the sponsor to buy the cars for the team to use, then they could be considered an asset.

I'm not surprised by all this, though I'm very saddened. If you're his "friend" on MySpace, then you see the bulletins he puts out, about every other day or so, about "I'll get you back stabber", and "sh!t talkers will pay", and so on. It's funny to watch this great entrepeneur and huge millionaire act like a total baby. We've seen this a thousand times in various forms of motorsports. Bottomless pockets always hit rock bottom, and the biggest losers are the racers and the race fans.

It reads on an elementary school level...on speed.

Scary stuff...
If anyone was following the Supercross season this year, Kevin Windham referred to his bike as the Torco Race Fuels Honda most of the season. In the last two races of the Supercross season, Windham never mentioned Torco race fuels at all in all of his interviews during the last two races...I kinda wondered all season how Windham's Honda team managed to escape the Knoll funding pullouts...guess I know now...they didn't...
I have a feeling that if they are in trouble with the Feds, I doubt there will be anything offical coming from the Knoll group. When companies are in trouble with the Federal Government they usually don't put out a press release to brag about it.

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