Your Age in Days
Birth date: 11 Sep 1954
Today's date: 9 Apr 2013
You are 21395 days old.
Which is 3056 weeks and 3 days.
That's 58 years and 210 days, including 15 leap years*,
or 58 years, 30 weeks and 0 days.
In other words, that's 704 months.
Therefore, you are 58.6 years old.
You were born on a Saturday, your last birthday was a Tuesday
and your next one will be on a Wednesday.
looking to try getting that far LOL
aka k'dub
Birth date: 7 May 1983
Today's date: 9 Apr 2013
You are 10930 days old.
Which is 1561 weeks and 3 days.
That's 29 years and 337 days, including 8 leap years*,
or 29 years, 48 weeks and 1 day.
In other words, that's 360 months.
Therefore, you are 29.9 years old.
You were born on a Saturday, your last birthday was a Monday
and your next one will be on a Tuesday.