is anyone else waiting for the hdpartners to save drag racing.
You might not recognize it after they "save" it. It's a good thing I thoroughly enjoy local grass roots drag racing.
is anyone else waiting for the hdpartners to save drag racing.
WHEREAS, the Company and MJ believe that (i) there are certain holders of the Common Stock (“Potential Sellers”) of the Company who may not be interested in remaining shareholders of the Company following the Acquisition and (ii) there are certain investors (“Potential Buyers”) who may be interested in acquiring shares of Common Stock prior to the consummation of the Acquisition;
The "Potential Buyer" is probably Bruton Smith. He recently wrote a check for (I believe) $340,000,000 to buy a NASCAR track so he could shut it down to provide LVMS with a NASCAR "Chase" event.
I don't remember what the HD buyout amount was - perhaps $100,000,000? Would HD Partners be happy with making a 50% profit "prior to the consummation of the Aquisition"? Bruton probably has $150,000,000 sitting in a Petty Cash account. And . . . if this happens, you can bet your ass that a new person with drag racing experience will be in charge of the NHRA.