Force Interview (1 Viewer)

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Jul 5, 2006
whoa it was tuff seeing him like that. Definitely not the Force we are use to seeing. Hope John takes his time in coming back.

Get well soon Champ.
very weird seeing big john like that, almost sad. get well soon champ! come out swinging for the fences in 08 john, we all miss you!

He is definitely medicated quite a bit

I'm sure he'll be back as Great as ever...........with even a bigger heart :eek:

God Bless John, you are in my prayers.

I agree 100%. It's terrible what happned to John, and I am very thankful that he is being taken care of well. Get well soon Champ!
That was pretty painful to watch. He's got quite a recovery ahead of him. BUT, if anyone can do it fast, he will.
He must be on some good meds. I can't wait to see him get back to the track and being himself.
I got thru about 2 minutes of that interview....Couldn't see the "CHAMP" like that! Get well Superman....AND YES JOHN...YOU ARE THE SUPERMAN OF DRAG RACING!!!:D
I thought he looked good, considering what he has had to endure over the last 2 weeks. The pain meds are surely kicked in but if they were'nt he would be in such pain there would be no way he could stand it.

Its refreshing (to me) to have him recognise God in saving his life. In our PC world of what seems like people looking the other way, its nice to see Christianity alive and well and in the forefront of people's thoughts in American motorsports.

I'm hoping for a complete recovery by John and to have him come out and dominate in 08.
That interview was so tough to watch, both to see him in such pain and in such condition, and to hear some of what he's gone through. I was very glad I didn't put my contacts back in yet today, since they'd have been a mess after watching tonight's broadcast. The recap of JFR's awful year already had me going before that.

Get well soon John! You still seem like Superman to us!
Very difficult to see John this way. Kudos to he and Ashley for doing this for their fans.
Pretty obvious that the recovery may be much longer than we had hoped for. Strong pain medications can cause problems that last long after injuries have healed. I hope John can come back from this - it's not going to be easy.
Can`t believe I missed Johns interview. Was trying to catch the Yankees game and the wife was still bawling her eyes out after watching that Force team tribute...took fifteen minutes to get thru that!
Chris....I can record it to DVD and bring it to Vegas. :)
First thing that struck me was the amount of weight loss in just two weeks.
It's very surprising how quick you lose it. Back in '91 I had a motorcycle wreck and spent 2 weeks in the hospital for hand injuries. I think I came out of the hospital weighing 20 lbs less than when I went in. I was in excellent shape and was only around 5 or 6% bodyfat yet the weight still came off that quickly.

Some of those pain meds, it's a lot easier to just keep your eyes shut and otherwise the fan stops spinning and the room starts.
From my experience of being on morphine for 2 weeks I remember that I was incredibly tired all the time. Even when I was awake I didn't want to open my eyes or speak much because it just took so much effort and energy.
I thought he looked good, considering what he has had to endure over the last 2 weeks. The pain meds are surely kicked in but if they were'nt he would be in such pain there would be no way he could stand it.

Its refreshing (to me) to have him recognise God in saving his life. In our PC world of what seems like people looking the other way, its nice to see Christianity alive and well and in the forefront of people's thoughts in American motorsports.

I'm hoping for a complete recovery by John and to have him come out and dominate in 08.

It seems that John has been having an on again, off again relationship with Jesus, as many people do. I'm sure he understands that if the Hand of God had not caught that chute on the wall, there probably wouldn't have been an interview last night.

Keep looking up John. People may call you Superman, but you know from where your strength and healing will come. Both physical and spiritual.
John 3:3
Proverbs 3:6
That's right Jackee , John evidently hasn't completed his tasks yet.
I think we now know what task has been set and thats Safety and Life Saving for those who follow him in the ranks of Fuel Car Racing.
After Eric's Wreck it began and now it has been reinforced.

Like I said in another Thread John must have the energy of a 50,000 watt Generator to be that Lucid after being medicated to the extent of not being able to hold his eyes open.

I hope John makes a full recovery and yeah us old dogs don't heal quite as fast as the pups.
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