I enjoy my drag racing.
I am a Force fan....followed him all the way from the beginning. Every heart-breaking loss to the heavy hitters in FC , all the fires, match races, struggles, etc. to reach the pinnacle of his sport and go from dirt poor racer to multi championship winning race team. All built by John and his teams over the years. Every person from Coil down to the lowest member laying in hot oil tending to the bottom end had a hand in building that team. Many stayed a long time. Some became actual family to John. And I'm sure the ones who left were missed when they were gone....even if John didn't want to admit it. Just like in a bitter divorce...nobody wants to be thought of as being on the losing end of things. The ones who left and kept quiet were the ones I respect.
Most big-time team owners today didn't drive or don't drive anymore, and have the means to buy whatever is necessary to win. Add and subtract team members as needed. Hire the best up and coming drivers. Toss them out on their kiester when they don't "perform". Court sponsors in big meetings while the teams are criss-crossing the nation. Snap up disgruntled crewchiefs that are seeking higher paychecks, never mind how many times they "smoked the tires" or made a wrong lane choice for another team.
Used to be that drag racing was a family sport...even if the crews weren't related to each other they lived together on the road and often gave their time as volunteers. For the love of the sport (and it is also addictive like a drug... I understand that ...)
John is cut from the same cloth of Hoffman, Wilkerson, and dozens of barnstormers that worked their way up onto our TV screens and became drag racing heros.
I enjoy my drag racing.....even though it only goes to 1000 ft now.
I just don't enjoy bashing the ones who have made it their life to excel in it no matter what