my friends call me Zappy
Nitro Member
I know the advancements have allowed the cars to go quicker, but it also takes more of the driver out of the equation.
I know the advancements have allowed the cars to go quicker, but it also takes more of the driver out of the equation.
I'm not sure what it would take for my interest in the NHRA to reform.
I do know that as "us" old schoolers who witnessed the golden years could agree that the "magic" is gone.
It's nobodies fault. It's simply the further development of a once grass roots sport from the early 70's into the TV years, into the corporate spending years.
The beer wars and oil wars. All of the great independent efforts that kept coming like Dick Lahaie, Dan Pastorini, Kenny, Billy, Joe, Shirley.
All from separate corners of the earth coming together to duke it out 16 weekends in the summer to the final round where the points winner actually won the championship..
Now, what you have left is the survivors of the fittest, who now hand feed their children a ride. Children who never endured the effort of those before them. Efforts that took every cent and every hour of the year from guys like Darrell, Del, Coil, Gary, Connie, John Martin etc.
Now, you have Tony Schu begging on camera that his crew only makes 30K while he retires to his motorhome. The Force Girls and their royal lifestyle..none of which is their fault, and I hold no bad feelings for their opportunities, but just doesn't further the "magic" that only the golden year guys understand..
My heart started to pound a week before the Springs, and I couldn't get to the track fast enough on that Friday after work.
I was in heart attack mode the entire length of I-70 between Columbus and Indy when Big was in contention.
Spencer Massey? J.R. Todd? Tony Shu? Brittany Force?
I'm staying home....
For all that those that are stating that drag racing is dying or dead, please go find another sport you can bitch about, you are part of the problem, not part of the solution.
I built my car so I could race another car, not for some "fans". I take my car to car shows and let kids sit in my car and they love it, that's just one way of get them hooked!
To all the bitchers and whiners, do something positive or just go away, please don't try to ruin it for the rest of us.
My God you are such a Broken record, how many times you gonna preach the NHRA isn't up to your standards? You looking for Pity? You need to give NASCAR or local Roundy round racing a try, since this sport is Dead!
Remember the old tracks and conditions?eh.
They're quicker, yes, but who is responsible for that?
They used to shift. They used to deal with sub-standard tracks (an 8x8 trouble patch on a glue covered track doesn't count), and a groove that didn't necessarily go right down the middle of the lane. They used to have the ability to grenade the thing during a burnout if they goofed. In a 100th of a heartbeat they used to feel it nose-over and decide whether they could afford the consequences if they continued, or deal with the loss if they didn't. They actually wrapped their firesuits around their waist and crawled under the car. A few still do. A few still deal with operating the team, making the tuning decisions, and then jump in the thing. They can hang.
I know the advancements have allowed the cars to go quicker, but it also takes more of the driver out of the equation.
I'm not saying the majority don't have the skills, they're just not tested.
So better? A few perhaps, but we'll never know.
Joe, take a Prozac. It sounds like you are in enough trouble as it is.
For all the NHRA haters and other malcontents on the forum. Sorry but Englishtown on Sunday was a terrific day. the place was nicely packed. Lots of families with lots of kids. great racing. big speeds. fast and tricky track made for exciting racing. not one oil down and the race was over by 4 PM. the weather was beautiful. Alan on the PA was great. all this for $53.00. Money well spent. NHRA did a great job with the track. and did a great job moving things along. Im all for anybody that wants to enjoy nostalgia racing or local track racing. there is some fun racing going on. But stop bitching about NHRA national events. Especially if you don't go to them.
I was just glad he didn't say, "George is right, it's all over!".
So you post about 100 posts about how todays Drag racing sucks, and I need a Prozac? You truly are on Drugs!
And you waste our time by writing thousands and thousands of douchery posts that simply argue, disagree, and arrogantly hate on everyone that doesn't live within your shell.
Why are you so bitter? Consider other opinions are just as valid as yours.
Listen to your moderator. Try being nice for once.
Well now it's Pro Mod. There are a TON of them out there, and they are possibly the wildest cars on the planet. Ok back to my oatmeal...