Glad you chimed in to repsond to that, Jim.
I believe you're one of the good guys out there..and I certainly hope you get some (more) good backing soon.
We need to see you out there.
it happens to be a 56 foot "Sea Ray" Boat not a 65 foot "Sea Ray" boat , however some day I may step up. Now if you noticed, I race a Pro Stock car sponsored by "Sea Ray" and "Wiley-X". And yes, I do believe that the fact that I have a cool 56 foot "Sea Ray" boat and that I talk about it on my blog might help my sponsor "Sea Ray" sell some boats. I also hope you notice my Wiley-X sunglasses and maybe go out and buy some so I can keep racing. There are fans every weekend who come up to me and want to talk boating, and I do enjoy the heck out of talking about something that is so much fun. I also like to race Pro Stock, and I spend a lot of my own $$$$$ to do that. However I have never taken one dollar from a sponsor and spent it on anything other than racing, never have I spent it on a boat or a even a cool pair of sunglasses. Now if you think that I should sell all my earthly posessions (even my 56 foot "SEA RAY" boat) and then spend the money to sponsor my pro stock car so I can race it and entertain the fans, I think I will pass. Now on to you Michael, since I have not seen the coverage yet (beacuse I was driving the rig home from Atlanta) please tell us.... Who was whinning about being underfunded on the coverage!
Glad to see that you can continue to multi-task while driving... You never seem to stop impressing me! I was making a general reference because every time Stanfield wins a round we hear from the announcers about what could he do if he had a lot more funding. That is not Greg's fault and I'm certainly not saying that people shouldn't be out trying to find sponsorship because I view racing just like gambling. Think about how much of your own money you've spent over the years, at some point and time you have to set a squeal point and when you reach it you stop. But my point is that everyone could do more with more money. Back when you won your championships, don't you think you could have won a few more races or maybe another championship if you had additional money to spend for people or parts?
My point is that we all would like to see everyone be able to race and if it wasn't for the wealthy people like yourself we wouldn't have the sport where it is today. I just don't think that guys getting interviewed at the top end should complain because Schu or whom ever is spending a lot more money and its hard for them to keep up. I agree it sucks that we have to try to compete with half or a quarter the budget of some teams but it is the nature of the beast. I certainly hope that you are able to continue because it just wouldn't be the same if you weren't there. I was certainly glad to see Jonman make an appearance, it has been some time since I've seen him and since he forgot how to use the phone... Be safe and I'll see you in St. Louis.
Didn't really mean to come out with the "guns-a-blazin", but it does seem ironic, most of the folks I've met at the track are doing it on their own dime, or with a few associate sponsors, its kinda like owning your own business, you gotta love what you do.
Expecting another to pay for a hobby of mine is stretching things just a little.
"I love to read this stuff, but my typing is so slow that it takes alot to get me to post. Well I should be happy that Darrell reads my blogs, maybe deep down inside he is a Jim Yates fan. And now that I think of it, since he is a big fan, maybe he should sell all of his stuff and send me the money and then I can keep racing and put "DARRELL REID" on the side of the car. Well like my mom used to say "It's all fun and games, until somebody has to write a check". LOL . BTW, is there spell check on this thing????"
Well like my mom used to say "It's all fun and games, until somebody has to write a check". LOL . BTW, is there spell check on this thing????
I know "funding" is a major subject for some ,but I see about 500 sportsman racers racing at every national event . The expenses that the majority of racers deal with are the same if you are a Pro or a Sportsman:
Transportation , Fuel, Motel, parts, Insurance, Food, etc
...I'm currently not running the LODRS due to building a business of my own, but once things are at the right point, yes I'll be back out there, better than ever...