you guys who crucify us for "moaning" or "crying" must be the ones that complain about our government but don't vote. if you enjoy nhra getting bumped all the time and not catching all the action at the right time on your dvr, then fine. if not, do like i did and send them an email. sure it might not make things change, but the more they hear about it, the more they may take a look and see how frequently the nhra slot gets "smashed into" by the preceding program. it always makes me laugh when the nhra program gets started late due to a prior program and then they cut away from it before it's done because something else comes on. whats good for the goose must not be good for the gander.
as a side note, its bad enough the broadcast is starting at 10 (er 1040), let alone the preceding program is once again making nhra basically unwatchable to most of the nation.