Coolest off track and historic drag racing photos ever (2 Viewers)

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Well, I took the picture about three weeks ago, while helping with my buddy's nostalgia FC at Tulsa, but there is a couple of guys who have been around a long time. Some of you good old boys from back in the day will recognize them.
Sitting and talking with them, along with the car owner (not pictured), was a blast. Between the three of them there was over 150 combined years of drag racing experience. I don't which was more fun; talking with them or working on the car and motor.

free spirit.jpg
Great stuff, as always Bob. Love that picture of "Da Grump!" I remember toward the end of his active career, when he was building engines for other racers, while everyone else was wearing all their electronics and stuff, he was standing there writing notes down on a note pad.
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